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Personality of Tourism - Sylvia Maliariková

At the ITF Slovakiatour International Tourism Fair in Bratislava, the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic rewards the lifelong work of the selected tourist personality every year. The year award for the Regional Tourism Organization Executive Director (OOCR) HORNÁ NITRA - BOJNICE, Sylvie Maliarikova, is a great honor for the Trenčín Region.

Life "dedicated" to tourism, its development, the beloved upper Nitra and, in particular, its promotion. Thanks to it, people from all over the country can also find out about this region, its beauties and attractions, beyond the borders. And the world is not only a good name for the Bojnice Chateau or Spa, but also a number of other hiking attractions. Sylvia Maliarik has been linked to tourism for decades. For its work, IFT Slovakiatour 2017 received the award of the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic - Personality of Tourism for 2016 for its work .

He started his professional life at the Bojnice Chateau and his Marketing Department, later acting as Head of International Cooperation and Tourism at TSK. Currently, the Executive Director of OOCR Region HORNÁ NITRA - BOJNICE . It is dedicated to the marketing and management of this attractive locality of Trenčín region.

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