

The local green route, connecting the village of Záskalie with Považská Bystrica. The route is lighter and the family with children can handle it. The biggest attraction on the route is in particular a beautiful natural environment in the village of Záskalie. Most of the route passes through the Protected Landscape Area of ​​Strážovské vrchy and therefore a cyclist should behave in a decent way and respect the nature conservation guidelines.

Route no. 5310


MTB cycling route





License plate number



7,3 km

Camber (climb/sinking)

180/248 m


asphalt, gravel

Záskalie - Považská Bystrica

Záskalie – Považská Bystrica

The local green route, connecting the village of Záskalie with Považská Bystrica. The route is lighter and the family with children can handle it. The biggest attraction on the route is in particular a beautiful natural environment in the village of Záskalie. Most of the route passes through the Protected Landscape Area of ​​Strážovské vrchy and therefore a cyclist should behave in a decent way and respect the nature conservation guidelines.

7,3 km
180/248 m
MTB cycling route
Záskalie - Považská Bystrica

Záskalie - Považská Bystrica

Route starts at the intersection with the blue cycling route in the village of Záskalie. After a while, the asphalt surface ends and the route continues up the road to the saddle above the village. From here we have a fantastic view of the valley from where we headed out with the Kostolecka diesnava. After a short pause, we continue along the field road, which later turns into a hardy forest path. Above the village of Podmanin there is a short and steep slope on which, in particular, a less proficient cyclist must be careful. In the village, the road turns to asphalt and behind it the huge Mann. From Podmanim we continue along the asphalt road to Považská Bystrica, where the route ends at the crossroads of several cycle paths.

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