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The historic tram celebrates 110 years of regular traffic

On Sunday, January 6, 2019, at the Feast of the Three Kings, Trenčianska Electric Railways entered the anniversary of the 110th anniversary of its existence. With the financial support of the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj (TSK), visitors can enjoy 7 thematic tours and traditional regular summer operations this year.

The first ideas and plans to build a local electric railway on the Trenčianska Teplá - Trenčianske Teplice line date back to 1886, when the then General Assembly in Trenčianske Teplice recognized that the railway link between the spa town and Trenčianska Tepla would ensure a greater influx of visitors and tourists to Trenčianske Teplice. The construction of the railway itself began 22 years later, in 1908, but the following year the regular operation of the tram on the newly built railway was already started. "The inter-city electric railroad has been commemorated by tramline traffic since its inception. The first wagons on the track were 3 electric passenger wagons, 2 trailer wagons with a post, 1 closed and 1 open freight wagon. Regular traffic on the rail has gradually increased. For example, in August 1926, electric trains traveled every 10 minutes regardless of the timetable, and up to 52 trains with up to 5000 passengers were dispatched during one day, "said TRES, the current Director of Trencin Electric Railway Dušan Nosál.

At the end of 2011, there was a 102-year period to stop regular rail passenger transport . However, black scenarios about the end of the tram were not fulfilled. To save more than a century-old tradition of tram operation Trenčianska Teplá - Trenčianske Teplice succeeded a group of volunteers and TSK. In the summer of 2015, the tram again set off on the track during summer weekend traffic . Every year, Trenčian region financially supports the operation TREŽ, well, EUR 25,000. "Members of the non-profit organization TREŽ addressed us five years ago with a suggestion whether the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj could not support the operation of this unique narrow-gauge in Slovakia. At that time it was threatening that the tram stop Trenčianska Teplá - Trenčianske Teplice would be over. We have decided to support this project and save the tram. I am pleased that more and more passengers use the tram every year. People from the area and tourists have enjoyed thematic rides, and regular summer traffic is also very popular, " said Trenčiansky župan Jaroslav Baška.

The thematic trips in 2019 launched the Three-Rail Tram

For the first time this year, the popular tram of all visitors took off on Sunday, January 6, 2019, when a nostalgic ride took place, marking the Three Kings. In the thematic trips, THREE, well, will continue in the beginning of March, when it is on the International Women's Day with a tram. In April, Shibači and the general public can enjoy the Easter Tram. In mid-May there will be a traditional Santa Fleming Tram , which will be accompanied by firefighters again. As part of the celebration of 110 years of tram operation , the nostalgic ride is scheduled for two days, namely the second June weekend. Beginning of September will be part of the goulash cooking competition and will bring Nicholas' tram in late November . In the summer months, the tram will again run at regular intervals.

Schedule of occasional nostalgic rides THERE, well ,:

Three-legged tram


MDL with tram


Easter Tram


Svatofloriánska tramvaj


110 years of tram operation

08.06.2019 / 09.06.2019

Tram for goulash cooking


Mikulášska tram


For more information about the history, current news or timetables of Trenčianska Electric Railways, please visit www.trezka.sk

Source: OKaMV, U TSK,

Trenčín 8.1.2019

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