Regional Tourism Organization (OOCR) The Horná Nitra-Bojnice Region and the Bojnice City have prepared a unique tool for visitors - the mobile application "Bojnice Tourist Guide".
The news brings smartphone owners the greatest tourist attraction. At the same time, it provides important information from the history of the city, tourism, interactive map, aerial view of the city, or important information for visitors who need to quickly orient themselves in the city.
"The mobile application works off-line, so the user does not need an internet connection when searching for accommodation, restaurants, or recreational facilities, and the visitor can use a filter on the map of the city and easily find points of interest," said OOCR Horná Nitra-Bojnice Region and Sylvia Maliarik . "I am very pleased that Bojnice is one of the tourism destinations that have a similarly crafted application, which I see as a comprehensive tourist aid and an important tool for destination marketing," added Maliarikova.
The tourist guide of Bojnice includes texts, photos and important information in a total size of approximately 50MB. Subsections "Attractiveness and Interests" and "Tourism" also contain information in the form of an audio commentary. App is tailored for Android and iOS mobile. The project was implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic.
Smartphone or tablet users can download the app free of charge:
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