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The biggest Slovak cycle festival has the seventh year

Sun, fun and a good dose of adrenaline that could be cut. Bike Park in Kálnica filled the thousands of "enthusiast cycles" last May's weekend. BIKEFEST did not leave anything for the story and again pulled traffic records.

The seventh year of the largest bicycle festival in Slovakia attracted many bikers from different parts of Europe. On the track visitors could see top riders from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria or Norway. The three-day event (Friday, 26 May - Sunday, May 28, 2017) brought many incredible tricks, performances and breathtaking rides. They did not miss popular disciplines such as Dual Pumptrack, Dema XC Eliminator, and CTM Enduro Race, which ranked in the Central European Enduro Series with the current vintage. The most extraordinary and most anticipated Saturday racing discipline was Garmin SLOPESTYLE included in the Freeride Mountain Bike World Tour series with bronze status.

The experience of the true festival atmosphere was enhanced by a diverse accompanying program. Contests of well-known Slovak artists and entertainers were waiting for visitors to compete in the contests until early in the morning. In addition to showing the best cycling, test bikes of different brands and categories were prepared. Visitors could test more than 460 medals on the slalom track, the XC Test Circuit or eight downhill and freeride tracks.

Permanent partner and promoter of the event is the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj (TSK), represented at the Festival by the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín region. The beauties of the Trenčín Region could be seen in the exhibition stand KOCR, where they could also test their fitness on stationary bicycles and compete for interesting prizes. "The new feature we have prepared this year is the new cyclist of the Trenčín region. The first cycling map, which maps the entire Trenčín region. Cyclists will also find selected four cycling masters with descriptions and important information at an ideal scale. Another news is the promotional brochures that inspire visitors to visit our region, "the executive director of the KOCR Trenčín region, Eva Frývaldská said.

The Sunday program of the festival was dedicated mainly to the Bikefest marathon, which was divided into several categories. The longest circle of the marathon at length of 49 kilometers at 10.00 am was started by Trenčiansky župan Jaroslav Baška, who took part in the festival for the fourth time in order. "Bikefest Kálnica traditionally attracts many people from all over Slovakia, even from abroad. People have become accustomed to a very good environment, built cycling infrastructure and various bike styles. I think it is good if the Trenčín Self-Government Region supports this activity, not only for young people but also for older age groups, "said TSK chairman. The 7th edition of the festival supported Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj also by special strengthening of bus transport. On Saturday, he took a bicycle with a capacity of 24 bicycles on the route from Nové Mesto nad Váhom to Kálnica and from June 3, 2017, this preferential travel for cyclists will be set on several routes during June, July and August.

At the start of the Sunday marathon, even the smallest bikers with their parents, who competed in the family's 6-kilometer circuit, stood up. Bikefest once again proved that they choose different ages from the program and do not really care about anyone. Visitors could see 57 different presentation booths, try out cycling news or compete in various disciplines. The organizers estimate that the seventh year of the festival was attended by over 14,000 enthusiasts.

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Address Unnamed Road
916 37 Kálnica


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