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Photo competition "Winter is tumbling" starts

Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín region announces a new competition for lovers of photography of the magic shots of the Trenčín region called "Winter we trbliece". Professionals and lay enthusiasts can send their creations via the login form from December 21, 2018 to January 20, 2019. Three winners who capture the beauty of winter snapshots, nature, or cultural monuments will receive valuable prizes.

After a successful evaluation of the autumn photo competition, a positive response and a great number of great photographs captured by the contestants, the KOCR Trenčín region decided to continue and make another seasonal photo competition for instigating photographers and their activities. "The winter photo competition is meant to inspire the smart people who gladly embody, through the camera, exceptional moments and appeal of Trenčín region. This year's season is filled with a special charm, which makes the final product - the photo, the magical one. I believe that this guy can capture those who choose to participate in the competition, " added KOCR Trenčín Región Juraj Gerlici .

Prizes will be both winners and voters

You can register a photo at the website www.trencinregion.sk/fotosutaz-zima2018 , with the basic selection of photos made by an expert jury, which will select 15 photos from the total number of entries, for which the public will vote from 22.1.2019 . The vote will last for a whole month until February 22, 2019 . Photos that are placed on the first three bars will be awarded special and valuable prizes.

The main prize in the competition is the Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 together with a 20-piece film to the camera that takes your photos to a standstill. On the second place, the winner gets a voucher for a romantic dinner for two people in the luxurious Lavante Sky restaurant in Dubnica nad Váhom, and the third winner can look forward to welcoming the world of wellness for two people for two hours from the Zelena Žaba Spa in Trenčianske Teplice .

The reason for the engagement is also voters, who will automatically be included in the prize for valuable prizes. The full information and conditions of the competition are available on the website of the contestant's website.

Author: MT

In Trenčín, December 20, 2018


Štatút fotosúťaže "Zima sa nám trbliece"

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