The Trenčín Highlands Crown (VKT) started its sixth year on April 10, 2021. Until 30 November 2021, nature and sports enthusiasts will be able to conquer 20 peaks, take pictures of them and take part in a competition for prizes in kind. Competitors will cover a total of 240 kilometers with 10.35 km elevation gain.
This year, too, the organizers have chosen interesting routes on which tourists and cyclists will be able to enjoy the surrounding nature and beautiful views. "For this year, we have chosen the best and most difficult from previous years and a number of other interesting things. Known from the first year is Vtáčnik, which is the highest point of the Trenčín region, but we did not miss new things such as Štefánik's prospect, which is close to Trenčín Castle and many other beautiful points, " said VKT co-organizer Radoslav Tilandy.
This year's VKT peaks include: Baske, Bikepark Kálnica - Piesky, Bradlo - Mohyla MR Štefánika, Horáreň Chrastková, Ihelník, Inovec, Jaskyňa Babirátka, Machnáč, Mraznica, Na Koncích, Pánska Javorina, Portáš, Ráztoka kostolík, Rozhledná Poľana Štefánik's lookout, Veľká Javorina, Veľký Lopeník (lookout tower), Vrchhora, Vtáčnik . All tops, including the exact GPS position and the exact conditions for participating in the competition, can be found on the website.
VKT 2021 is open to any biker or hiker, who can also call a four-legged friend for help. The competition is also suitable for the handicapped, who cannot conquer all the peaks. In this case, it is enough to conquer at least 5 peaks at the time of the event. We recommend selecting those to which the asphalt road leads. The aim of the Vrchárska koruna Trenčianska project is to promote the cycling and hiking beauties of the Trenčín region, which are definitely worth exploring.
In Trenčín on April 9, 2021
Text: MT
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