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St. Nicholas at Trenčín Castle!

The day of the arrival of St. St. Nicholas is approaching and the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín is happy to announce that Mikuláš will also visit Trenčín Castle with his fairy-tale helpers!

Come and enjoy a magical time at the castle with your branches. Everyone who meets Mikuláš and his helpers during the show will get a sweet surprise. Due to the current situation, a tour of the small and large circuit will be available, as follows:

1. Visitors complete a small circle without a lecture, they will be able to move around the castle individually and determine the pace of the tour themselves.

2. The large circuit will be available at three times - at 11.00, 13.00 (via the Zápoľský Palace) and 15.00. A maximum of 5 people will be able to take part in the guided tours.

You can also buy tickets online (for small and large circuits) HERE .

According to the current decree of the ÚVZSR, entry into the castle premises is possible only with the covered upper respiratory tract (drape, scarf) and compliance with other hygienic measures (hand disinfection, social distance of 2 meters).

Make a note of the visit to Trenčín Castle on Friday, December 4, 2020, from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, in the calendar.

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