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Renewed brands will enjoy this year on nearly 500 km of hiking and cycling routes

In 2018, Trenčianský samosprávny kraj has also earmarked funds for the renewal of cycling and hiking trails from its budget. Renewed tagging will make the hiking and cycling enthusiasts properly navigate for the fourth year.

From 2015 every year in the Trenčín Self-Governing Region (TSK), hundreds of kilometers of cycling trails are restored . They successfully pass to the destination for tourists and cyclists throughout the region. The reconstruction is realized by Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj based on the signed Memorandum of Cooperation with the Slovak Cycloclub and the Slovak Tourist Club. This is in line with the strategy of using the TSK's potential for developing cycling infrastructure, which MEPs noted in 2016. "The club memorandum was signed by TSK in the summer of 2014. Every year, the number of renewed or newly marked routes increases. Since 2015, they have been properly navigating to a few tourists, who have come to know the beauties of the Trenčian region, "Jaroslav Baska, chairman of Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj, stated that in 2015, 2016 and 2017 TSK's finances were renewed together, respectively. newly marked 1 260 km of cycling routes . In 2018, there will be another nearly 500 km , which is still no more than one kilometer in one year.

In the woods, they also have a new small bicycle infrastructure

The financial amount for renewed markings on cycling and hiking trails remains the same as in the past years. From the budget of the Trenčian County, more than 140 km of marks on cycling routes will be restored for 20 thousand euros. "The longest stretch of cyclists in the saddle of a bicycle to navigate on renewed signs is the 25.5 km stretch of the Bojnicky cycloook. He runs from Lehota pod Vtáčnik to the town of Handlová, "said Radovan Hladký, in charge of the TSK Transport Department. The revival of the painted "C" marking within the Bojnice cyclo-circle will lead to the last renewed section between the villages Diviaky nad Nitricou and Lehota pod Vtáčnikom, 58 km long. New brands will find Cyclonads also in other districts of the region. The 25 km stretch of the Weighing Cycle Magazine will not only show the cyclotourism brand, but also mark new parts.

Funds from the TSK will be used not only for the renewal and re-marking of the routes, but also for the addition of small tourist infrastructure on the cycling routes of the Trenčín region. This will include new bike and blackboard. For the better orientation of cyclists, 48 ​​small and large cycling routes, 121 small and large cycling routes and 95 cycling patterns of different types will be installed this year.

Even tourists do not miss the forest. For the same amount, ie 20,000 Euros from the Trenčín region, this year is planned to restore tourist marking to more than 320 km of hiking trails . Also this year, the advice of small cycling infrastructure will be expanded by 6 tourist sightseeing information maps, of which five in the Prievidza district and the other one in the district of Trenčín. "In the touristic area of ​​Trenčianske Teplice, where there are a large number of tourist paths marked by a local brand, we plan to fit out on the eight pieces of selected directories a slice from the map of the given location, which shows the routes in question", added Mr. Peter Dragúň, President of the Slovak Tourist Club.

The marking of a new or restoration of the original marking will be carried out during the tourist and cycling season depending on the weather.

Source: Odd. communication and international relations of TSK

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