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heavy rain

We will know the results of the "Winter we get tired"

After a great success and a positive response to the autumn photo competition, both professional and professional photographers once again had the opportunity to take part in the Winter Continuation of the Competition entitled "Winter We Thunder", announced by the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín region. Photographic works could be sent from 21 December 2018 until 20 January 2019.

On Monday, January 21, 2019, a photo committee was selected by Prof. Radovan Stoklas , a successful photojournalist, Barbora Varga-Petrikova , director of the MA Bazovského Art Gallery in Trenčín, and Eduard Genserek , the current Slovak Press Photo Award holder. Out of the total of 96 sent photos , the jury selected 15 bests for which the public could vote from January 22, 2019 to February 22, 2019. The selection panel looked at several factors affecting the quality of photography, such as artistic value, composition quality, or overall professionalism.

Higher chance for professional works

The winter photo competition differed from the autumn to one important point. In particular, the first selection of photographs was not made by the public but by the aforementioned jury. This is why they have shipped photos that meet certain qualitative parameters.

The change also took place in the rules themselves for the voting public, who instead of daily voting had the option to quit once from one e-mail address. "Thanks to these changes in the status of the winter photo competition, we have ensured a more professional photo rating, which is basically fair. This change was positively influenced by the competition participants themselves, who motivated them to perform even better. We are very satisfied with the quality of the sent pictures and we are looking forward to the spring follow-up, " said the Executive Director of KOCR Trenčín region Eva Frývaldská .

Best have won valuable prizes

From a short selection of 15 photos that received the most votes from the general public, Peter Baláž received a photo titled "Magic Night - Chvojnica" (1st place), which can enjoy the Polaroid Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 together with 20 pieces of film into the camera. Susanna Včelková starred with a photo of "Frozen Bubble" (2nd place), winning a voucher for a romantic dinner for two people in the Lavante Sky luxury restaurant in Dubnica nad Váhom and Tomáš Mikula with his photo of "Forest in Winter Coat - Red Stone" (3rd place) will take a voucher for the wellness world for 2 people for two hours from the spa Zelená Žaba in Trenčianske Teplice.

The competition photos were supported by a total of 230 voters who automatically took part in the drawings of 3 valuable packages from the contestant, KOCR Trenčín region. Generally, three winners were randomly selected through the generator. The whole evaluation process can be seen on a video that was posted on the facebook fanpage of Trenčín region.

The competition photographs capture the winter that was truly exceptional in Trencin last year. All photos have the chance to contribute to the promotion of the tourist attractions of the Trencin region and can be used on the KOCR site Trenčín region, in the "Trenčín region" two-month period, printed promotional materials, publications or PR articles.

In Trenčín, February 25, 2019

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