The inhabitants of the towns and municipalities involved in the "Spa in the Region" project will soon be able to enjoy attractive discounts on Trenčianske Teplice Spa products. The 6th annual event will run from 1 to 20 December 2017 and from 2 January to 28 February 2018.
Spa Trenčianske Teplice annually provides both permanent and new customers the benefits of the popular "Spa in the Region" project. Drinking water can be enjoyed at a discounted price for three months (except holidays). "For a few days, in co-operation with the cities and municipalities of our region, we are launching the 6th annual event. I hope that even this year we will attract a lot of visitors who will be able to enjoy the effects of the unique thermal water in our pools at attractive prices, " said Michal Vojtaš , General Manager of Trenčianske Teplice.
The winner of the project enjoyed rich participation. The event was attended by 64 skilled towns and municipalities in the Trenčian region and the partner town of Trenčianske Teplice - Vsetín. The increasing trend of spa visits according to the words of Michal Vojtaš, the director of the Trenčianske Teplice General Manager, is hoping for the organizers this year. One of the partners of the project is the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín Region. "The" Spa in the Region "action is the ideal tool to increase the visitors' reach of the oldest spa in the Trenčín region. Every year the effects of healing springs attract thousands of inhabitants not only of our region but also tourists from all over Slovakia " said the executive director of KOCR Trenčín region Eva Frývaldská .
Spa services included in the preferred offer are valid for residents of Trenčianske Teplice, Brezová pod Bradlom, Trenčín, Stará Turá and the towns of Bobot, Hrabovka, Malinová, Motešice . The list of cities and municipalities involved in the event will be expanded by interest. Visitors will be able to benefit from a 50% discount on the entry to all thermal pools and 30% at Grand Pool entrances at the time of the project. Discounts in thermal pools can only be used by people over the age of 18. In the case of interest for preferential entry, the condition of establishing a permanent residence card in a participating city or municipality is valid.
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