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Fifth birthday On TSK's open door will be dedicated to cycling

The Jubilee 5th Anniversary Day of the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj (DOD TSK) is dedicated to the events in which the county lives the most during this period. This undoubtedly includes the first sections of cycling trails, which gradually make cyclotourism and cycling in the region safer and more attractive.

The doors to the life of the county organizations and the Office of the Trencin Autonomous Region have been opening in large numbers every year for five years. Tradition in Trenčín was established in 2014, and its calendar was always on the first Monday of October. While in 2015 it was devoted to the hero of craft , in 2016 and 2017 it was in the spirit of protecting the environment and a healthy lifestyle in line with the Green County project. The first round birthday of this tradition is for cycling for the first time in Trenčín. Monday, October 1, 2018, this will be the news from the cycling world in our region.

First birthday lovers are already known. There will be no adrenaline show of the Slovak master in cycling Martin Behra, the transfer of the mountain bike to the winner of the competition for the name of the weighing cycling champagne or the cutting of a big birthday cake. Traditionally, all visitors will have free access to Trenčiansky Castle Open Day, the general public will be able to visit all the county museums in Trenčín, Považská Bystrica and Prievidza free of charge, as well as the Gallery of MA Bazovský in Trenčín.

Partizánske Observatory will move its workplace directly to the building of the County Office on this day. Everyone who will participate in the DOD TSK will also be able to test the observation of the sky by the telescopic telescope. On one day, however, almost all organizations that TSK set up will be presented under one roof. The public will be able to see the hands-on skills of the clients of social care facilities who, with their hand-made products, will once again take care of the unique craft markets in front of the TSK Office. Their advice will be supplemented by craftsmen with a diverse range of focus from the whole region.

Their ingenuity will be presented by the students of the secondary schools in October 1st, the cultural and historical richness of the region will represent the cultural institutions, which will transform the premises of the Office for a single day into a small gallery. Three county hospitals all learn something about psychohygiene and health care. There is no presentation of the most beautiful hiking trails of our region from the regional tourism organization Trenčín region or ways to get to them. Everything will again be carried out in an environmentally friendly way, as TSK has been profiling for several years as an environmentally friendly Green County.

For a very pleasant dose of culture, new information (not only) from the area of ​​cycling, entertainment and educational activities as well as good food, Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj invites you on Monday 1 October 2018 from 9 am to the Trencin district office.

Source: Department of Communication and International Relations TSK

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