There is nothing to prevent the construction of a cycle path with both international and historical dimensions.
The cycling route directly from Matúš Čák Castle will lead through the oldest pilgrimage site in Slovakia - Skalka nad Váhom and through the town of Nemšová. The new cycle route will follow the already existing cycling trail, which leads almost to the border with the Czech Republic. The cycling route connects not only two countries but also important cultural monuments.
On the Czech side, this bike trail should end in a castle in the town of Brumov-Bylnice. On the Slovak side, its total length of more than 30 km will be 24 kilometers.
A new inter-state bike trail will be created as part of the Bicycle in the Footsteps of History project. It will have both tourist and cultural benefits. Another practical benefit is the possibility of ecological and safe commuting to work for the inhabitants of the municipalities whose planned construction of the cycle path is concerned.
The development of the cycle path is also related to the increase in the tourist attractiveness of the region, the enhancement of the safety of cyclists and the creation of an opportunity for active leisure for all ages. The development of cycling in the region is also one of the main objectives of the TSK Green County project. Building itself should take 13 months.
Together with the Moravian city, TSK became a successful applicant for a non-repayable financial contribution (NFP) from the EU funds. The total investment by TSK, including the NFC for the Slovak part of the project, amounts to more than 2.15 mil. euros. The city of Brumov-Bylnice should make its section of the cycle path for about 2.85 mil. euros. The total value of the project is thus more than 5 mil. euros. From the Eurofunds, the project will be supported by a sum of approximately 4.3 mil. euros.
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