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Night of museums and galleries in the Trenčín region

On Saturday, May 14, 2022, museums and galleries will open their gates from dusk to midnight. After a two-year hiatus, the European Night of Museums and Galleries is returning. The 18th year will also involve cultural facilities in the Trenčín region, which will offer visitors a special experience full of unusual atmosphere.

Bojnice Castle

Take a look at areas that visitors do not normally enter. Visit the director of the museum and talk to him directly in his office. Get answers from the heads of individual departments about questions about the restoration of a cultural monument or the financing of the museum. Take a look at the depositories of collection items, inspect the premises of the marketing department and see behind the scenes preparations for special events. Meet the museum's creative producer and find out his secret recipes for creating successful presentation outputs. Stroll through the courtyards, listen to pleasant melodies and experience the charm of an evening visit to the travertine cave directly below the castle. Not only the exceptional atmosphere of the evening chateau will take you into the ancient past, but also the multimedia presentation of the chateau yesterday and today.

Beckov Castle

On the occasion of Saturday's Night of Museums and Galleries, you will find not only entertainment but also many interesting facts from history at Beckov Castle. In addition to quests and activities for children, you can visit two exhibitions this year - about the owners of the castle and medieval kitchens. You will be able to enter Beckov's religious history through the Sacred Way or the historian's interpretation of the life of the late medieval church with all its virtues and transgressions. On Saturday, during the Night of Museums and Galleries, the castle remains open even after dark and you can take part in an exceptional tour - Wine with the director, which will focus mainly on the architectural specifics of the castle, current and current restoration of the castle and future plans. The show will be followed by a discussion and screening of short films Via castrum about several Slovak castles. The discussion about the ruins in Slovakia and their restoration will currently continue with the historian Jana Cabadajová or the director of Beckov Castle.

MA Bazovský Gallery in Trenčín

The European Bazaar Gallery in Trenčín will not bypass the European event either. It invites its visitors from the morning to a rich all-day program. Games for young and old will be prepared in the courtyard from 10:00 to 18:00. There will be paintings, creative meetings for children, the creation of animals from balloons, guided exhibitions of exhibitions and screenings. The program will be closed by a travel lecture with photographer Rob Kočan.

Upper Nitra Museum in Prievidza

During the Night of Museums and Galleries, the mood at the Upper Nitra Museum in Prievidza will change. The main point of the program will be the opening of the exhibition Basement of Evil. As a memento, the museologists recall the crimes of war and the deeds of the dreaded Gestapo. The event will include a screening of film footage, even today warning of war and human cruelty. A special evening program within the pan-European project is prepared on Saturday 14 May 2022 from 6 pm to late evening. Admission to all events during the museum's open days is free.

Trencin castle

The Trenčín Museum in Trenčín and its branches in Trenčín are also involved in the current year of the Night of Museums and Galleries project. The Trenčín Museum in Trenčín will open its gates for visitors in the County House, in Kat's House, in Karner St. Michal / Constance and at Trenčín Castle. Entrance to the buildings: Karner sv. Michala / Kostnica, Katov dom or Župný dom will be open to visitors from 10.00 am to 8.00 pm with admission being € 1 and paid only in one of the buildings within the city of Trenčín, involved in the event. Admission to other facilities is free after proving with a ticket and children under 6 do not pay at all. Trenčín Castle will be subject to special rules on this day. It will be open to visitors from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm for regular admission within the castle circuits. From 18:00 to 22:00, admission will be € 1 and children under 6 are free. In the evening, the professional staff of the Trenčín Museum will be lecturing at Trenčín Castle, and the last entry to the show is possible at 9 pm.

Dubnický manor house

The manor house in Dubnice nad Váhom attracts visitors with themed shows with sound effects. At the same time, the Grotto with a lookout tower will be accessible. Admission to the Dubnica Museum and the Grotto is free throughout the day. From 1 pm, the manor will host consultations and advice for amateur researchers, those interested in genealogical research and the creation of pedigrees, owners of antiques and older works of art. Evening tours of the Dubnický manor house with sound effects start at 5 pm.

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