Up to 5 municipalities from the Trenčín Region took part in the jubilee tenth year of the Village of 2019 competition. Out of all 23 competitors, each of them won the award.
Since 2009, the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, the Slovak Environment Agency, the Association for Village Renewal and the Association of Towns and Municipalities of Slovakia have been announcing the Village of the Year competition. This year, out of the 23 participating municipalities, up to 5 from the Trenčín Region received the award. The village of Lúky received the title of Village as a farmer, the Village as a Community award went to the village of Bolešov and the villages of Dohňany and Pobedim were exceptionally awarded. The overall winner of the Village of 2019 competition was the village of Papradno, which ceremoniously received the award on Thursday, November 7, 2019. “It is a satisfaction for us, because we have conscientiously prepared for this competition. I thank all the people and residents of the village for the fact that we managed to achieve such success, " said the mayor of the winning village Roman Španihel.
The ceremony was also attended by the chairman of the Trenčín self-governing region, Jaroslav Baška, who thanked all the mayors for their dedicated work and the municipalities of the region for their exemplary representation. "I am very pleased that the village of 2019 was won by the village of the Trenčín region. The fern is constantly evolving, advancing and showing that almost anything can be achieved together. I congratulate the mayor, who sets an example for the inhabitants of the village and I hope that there will be more and more such mayors in Slovakia, " said the mayor of Trenčín.
The evaluation committee of the Village of 2019 competition, consisting of representatives of its announcers and partners, assessed the registered municipalities not only in terms of competition rules, but also in the spirit of the motto of the current year of the European competition local responses to global challenges. In 2020, Papradno, as the national winner, will represent Slovakia at the 16th annual competition for the European Village Renewal Prize.
Source: Dept. communication and international relations of TSK
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