Manínska úžina



Unlocking the Manín Strait

19. 03. 2023

12:30 - 14:30

Date nad time

Sunday 19. March 2023
12:30 - 14:30


Symbolický cintorín
017 05 Manínska úžina

Odomykanie Manínskej úžiny
Odomykanie Manínskej úžiny

Unlocking the Manín Strait

The Manín Slovak Tourist Club invites you to the symbolic opening of the tourist season. The traditional opening of the Manín Strait will take place at the symbolic cemetery at 12:30 p.m.

Participants can choose from two participation options:

1. Individual hiking around the Manín Strait, Kostolecká Tieňava and Veľké Manín with the aim of meeting at the symbolic cemetery at 12:30 p.m.

2. Guided tourism , which will be arranged by KST Manín after telephone agreement (0908 404 591, 0911 236 238). The guide will take larger or smaller groups around the Manín Strait. There will be several routes to choose from. For example:

Location Teplá - Manínec - Drieňovka (with a nice view of Kostolecká tisňava) - symbolic cemetery

Location Teplá - Veľký Manín (with viewpoints, the Eye and the Partisan Cave) - symbolic cemetery

Location Teplá - Kostolecká tisňava - symbolic cemetery

More information about the event and transport can be found HERE

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KST Manín Považská Teplá

+421 908 404 591

Address Symbolický cintorín
017 05 Manínska úžina


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