The unique spaces of Bojnice Castle will be filled with the scent of needles and the shine of Christmas decorations during this year's Christmas. SNM-Bojnice Museum has prepared festive tours of the chateau for visitors.
Selected museum rooms are decorated with Christmas decorations. There will also be Christmas trees and traditional musical tunes. Children's visitors can look forward to small pleasures in the form of sweet Santa Claus and Christmas packages.
An interesting feature of this year's Christmas at the chateau is also a large Advent wreath in the first castle courtyard. The first candle was lit on it on Sunday, November 29.
This year, the visitors of the museum themselves can also contribute to the Christmas decoration of Bojnice Castle. All they have to do is bring any decoration with them to the show and hang it on the Christmas tree. In return, they will receive a wooden Christmas decoration with the motif of Bojnice Castle from the museum staff.
Christmas at the castle will start on 6.12.2020 and last until 6.1.2021. But before that, St. Nicholas will visit the castle. Children will be able to meet and greet him in person on Friday 4 December and Saturday 5 December. Visits will be welcomed from 12:00 until 18:00.
Due to the current situation, Christmas tours of the castle will take place without a lecturer's explanation and an accompanying word. Visitors will be able to move along the castle route individually and determine the pace of the tour themselves.
Source: SNM Bojnice Museum
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