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Come to the castle and build your dream - PLAYMOBIL exhibition

25. 02. 2023 - 30. 09. 2023

Date nad time

Saturday 25. February 2023 -
Saturday 30. September 2023
in Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


Trenčín castle
Matúšova 19
91250 Trenčín

Poď na hrad a postav si svoj sen - Výstava PLAYMOBIL
Poď na hrad a postav si svoj sen - Výstava PLAYMOBIL

Come to the castle and build your dream - PLAYMOBIL exhibition

On Saturday, February 25, 2023, the PLAYMOBIL construction kit exhibition entitled Come to the Castle and Build Your Dream begins at Trenčín Castle.

The central theme of the exhibition will be the castle, knights and princesses. The exhibition will also be supplemented with topics such as fairies, school, firefighters, policemen and others. The exhibition is intended for children, where they will be able not only to see what can be built from the kit, but also to try it out and play with their piece.

The exhibition will take place in the barracks building and will last until September 2023.

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Address Matúšova 19
91250 Trenčín


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