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Café Sládkovič is one of the best cafes in Slovakia

Do you love coffee and do you discover new, inspiring places where you can enjoy a cup of this lifebuy? We in Trenčín one, too, Hipster, we have a place!

From almost hundreds of Slovak cafés, the Trencian Café, Café Sládkovič, located directly in the historical center of the city, placed among those NAJ. They have decided about this with their recommendations in the Foursquare application, which allows you to search and rate places and businesses visited around the world. This app is very popular with both domestic and foreign travelers. With reviews, tourists have a list of recommended facilities in the city they've just visited.

Thanks to these reviews, the café inspired by our famous poet, Andrej Sládkovič, placed in a nice second place with a difference of just one tenth of the point from the first bar. The Trnava café Thalmeiner was fully rated in the ratings and the third place was occupied by the café in Bratislava called Brew Bar Café.

In addition to the excellent coffee, visitors recommended in Café Sládkovič to taste unique lemonade or tasty raw cakes. The café is also famous for both musical and traveler's nights, organizing inspirational lectures and exhibitions. All this complements the design interior and quotes from Sládkovič's poem, which completes the unique atmosphere.

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Address Mierové námestie 33
911 01 Trenčín


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