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The award-winning Pohoda will be even greener

"Pohoda is a glamorous example, a unique, great and leading European festival." Teresa Moore, director of the A Greener Festival initiative, said the words of the Green Operations Award for the Pohoda festival in Groningen, the European Festival Awards.

Simplified and translated - Pohoda is the most ecological festival in Europe. At the airport in Trenčín, the "green atmosphere" has been trying for several years, with new ecological elements growing. "The podiums were plugged into the grid, creating a mobile solar power plant. In an effort to reduce emissions, festival trains run across the country, promote coaches, a joint travel project #spolunapohod, and provide organizers and artists with bicycles at the festival, "said Teresa Moore.

Separation and returnable pollitter glasses are no longer an integral part of the festival. Pohoda 2018 will offer even more. The cups will be restored to smaller beverages, which in practice will mean an absolute stem with a disposable plastic cup. "An important change is going into dealing with waste. In addition to the increase in the number of litter stations, there will be collection points where trained staff will be trained. They will be located mostly in gastronomy and should function as a large "window" to take away not only food. Bio waste, including dishes and dishes made of degradable materials, will then be composted directly on site, "says Anton Repka from the Pohoda festival eco-news.

Electric car drivers can enjoy the charging station. "Pohoda will also introduce new solutions in dealing with solar energy. This year, the share of energy from the fixed network is increasing due to the expansion of temporary abstraction points. Festival clothing will be completely suppressed in 2018 textile prints with GOTS certificate, "adds Anton Repka.

"The feeling of a strong festival community that we are experiencing every year at Trencian airport is amazing. During the festival there are many things in the hands of visitors. They become a European phenomenon because of their approach to cleanliness and the area, to each other and to the environment around them. For example, when we show pictures of our tent camps after Pohoda, many people do not want us to believe that we have not worked before camping camps. We believe that news for the year 2018 will be accepted by people, they will entertain them and contribute to creating an even finer form of the festival, "says Michal Kaščák.

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