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The KOCR Trenčín Region presented its activities for the year 2016

A modern tourist information information portal, the attractiveness of tourism, the hidden treasures of the region or a number of events in the Trenčín region are presented and supported by the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín region in Slovakia and abroad for almost two years. On Tuesday, April 4, 2017, the KOCR Trenčín Region presented its activities for the year 2016 in the congress premises of the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj (TSK).

The aim of the presentation was to present the activities of the KOCR Trenčín region and its plans for 2017. "Last year, our organization devoted itself to four main areas: creating an innovative tourist information portal, issuing a two-month Trencin region, participating and presenting the region at regional or international tourism fairs And the organization as well as the support of several events in the Trenčín region, " Juraj Gerlici, regional chairman of the regional tourism organization , drew near the presentation .

Support for events and participation in tourism fairs

Tourist attractions of the Trenčín Region in 2016 representatives of the KOCR Trenčín Region presented at the Tourism Tours Regiontour Brno and Region Tour Expo Trenčín . The fairs have successfully presented the possibility of spending free time in Trenčiansky region, the history of the underground passages in Čachtice and the castle charm, castle ruins and chateaux on the territory of the Trenčian region.

Regional Tourism Organization Trenčín is actively involved in the development of cycling tourism in the Trenčín region. In 2016 she supported several cycling events and became a partner of the Vrchárska koruna Trenčianska cycling and tourism project. The exhibition area at Bikefest in Kálnica and the Novodubnický marathon in Nová Dubnica has been enriched with information about cycling routes or entertaining activities for cyclists.

The organization also supported events organized by member regional tourism organizations: the International Film Festival in Trenčianske Teplice, the Bojnice summer solstice and the Hex musical group concert at the Trenčín Castle . At the Pohoda multi-genre festival, visitors attracted visitors a "chill out zone" and the opportunity to take a fun shot at the KOCR presentation booth with a variety of attractions.

Organizing your own events

The development of domestic tourism KOCR Trenčín intensifies the region by organizing various events or competitions. The summer event of Soirée with operetta and picnic at the Trencian Castle can be enjoyed by lovers of classical music and history in the authentic premises of the Trenčín Castle amphitheater. KOCR Trenčín Region prepared the event in cooperation with the Bratislava Metropolitan Orchestra. Students of secondary schools were at the beginning of school year 2016/2017 dedicated to the event "eSKaEU smile together" . The multi-genre program for young people has brought closer the importance of the Slovak Presidency to the EU Council as well as the importance of Slovak Republic membership in the European Union.

The summer months accompanied a geocaching game from the KOCR workshop Trenčín region - ŠTURIZMUS . "In support of castle visitation, we have hidden a cache with each passage of 11 of the castles, with a quotation from Ľudovít Štúr. When the participants of the competition went to visit all the castles, they took and quote a quote, they could win the electric car for the whole weekend " , explained the essence of the play Executive Director KOCR Trenčín Region Eva Frývaldská . For the lay and professional photographers KOCR Trenčín region for the months of June-October 2016 prepared a photo contest "Trenčiansky kraj through the photo objective " . The competition photos were judged by a specialized commission and out of a total of 886 photographs from 178 photographers selected three winners in the competition categories: 1. castles, chateaus and cultural monuments in the region, 2. nature, 3. snapshots. According to the executive director of KOCR Trenčín, the Evy Frývaldska region will be used to actively promote the attractive locations of the Trenčín region on a website or in various print materials.

Marketing and promotion

Regional Tourism Organization Trenčín region is not left in the areas of online marketing or social networks. Through a modern tourist-information portal, it seeks to provide home and foreign visitors with a comprehensive overview of sights, possibilities of relaxation in the spa, a list of sports sites, educational walkways, and an overview of cultural events. "It is a portal to help not only tourists, but also tour operators. Travel agents can create their own profile on the site and benefit from the many benefits the portal provides. The full functionality of the site should be met next year, " Gerlica said .

KOCR Trenčín does not forget about the older age group for online marketing tools. "We are engaged in the issue of the two-month Trencin region. Newspapers are popular especially among older people and among people who do not have access to the Internet. The inhabitants of the Trenčín Region receive information about our activities, information about events in the region as well as about the region's tourist attractions, " added the chairman of KOCR Trenčín Juraj Gerlici .

Informing the public about the news in the Trenčín region is provided by the regional organization of tourism through a newsletter, which sends directly to the mailboxes every week. "We adapt the content to provide the public with tips for a trip or to create an offer of suitable leisure time during the weekend," said Kocr Executive Director Trenčín Region Eva Frývaldská .

Through a presentation of the regional tourism organization Trenčín region, participants could learn about almost two years of KOCR activities and its plans for the future. The meeting was welcomed by members of the Trenčianský samosprávny kraj, directors of member regional tourism organizations, directors of TSK's founding organizations, professional public in the field of tourism and students from the Secondary School of Business and Services in Trenčín.

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