welcomein Trenčín Region

Discover all hidden treasures
from different corners of our region.



Light rain

Number of results: 798

A shot from the trebuchet ceremoniously opened the reconstructed southern part of the walls

Although the restoration of historical monuments in Slovakia could be compared to running on long distances, looking at the result is worth all the…

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Experience the uniqueness of Chata pod Bradlom

Tourism in Brezová pod Bradlom does not start and does not end only at the mound.. You should not miss the memory of Štefánik when visiting this…

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Bojnice Castle attracts a mysterious silence

From April 2021, several popular facilities in the Trenčín Region became available again, including castles, museums, galleries and the popular and…

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The inspiring personality of Alexander Dubček comes to life in a nationwide competition

A native of the Trenčín region, a personality of Slovak history of the 20th century, an important politician, visionary, reformer and European. Such…

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Famous houses with new roofs

The birth house of one of the most famous Slovaks underwent reconstruction.. More precisely, the roof of the house in Uhrovec, where Ľudovít Štúr…

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Collectors, pay attention

Matúš Čák appeared on a special euro banknote with a zero value. Its release took place on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the death of the…

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A train will take you to Trenčín Castle

After the recently opened novelty, the reconstructed southern fortifications and the new access entrance, Trenčín Castle is another tourist…

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Trenčín is trampled to win

More than a year ago, the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic submitted a call for participation in the European Capital of Culture (ECOC)…

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