Although almost all facilities and castles in the Trenčín region had to postpone the opening time due to the current state of emergency, they prepared an attractive program full of culture and entertainment events for the whole family. In addition, they actively participate in the improvement of premises, reconstructions and changes that will contribute to increasing the attractiveness of the site.
Trenčín Castle started the year of Matúš Čák Trenčiansky and Beckov Castle is looking forward to obtaining a grant from the EEA and Norway, thanks to which they started their project with the acronym DRAGON. However, Bojnice Castle will not be covered either, which after the reopening of the museum is looking forward to a novelty - an interactive multimedia projection or Čachtice Castle, which is also planning a rich cultural program and repairs.
Full steam ahead
The coming years for Beckov Castle will be marked by repairs, reconstruction and making all parts accessible to visitors. Successful obtaining a grant from the EEA and Norway will mean bringing the Western Palace and the entire complex into a form that will respect and emphasize the preserved historical values from the High Gothic and Renaissance periods. Thanks to this, the monument will become more attractive and versatile with year-round use.
In addition, for the second year in a row, they have been carrying out work to make the western wing of the northern castle palace accessible. "We started with the restoration of the stone vault, its temporary roofing and last year some interior work was carried out. Specifically, the brick floor in the first room of the basement was made, "informs Peter Pastier, Executive Director of the Beckov Castle Association of Legal Entities.
They would like to gradually open the last room in the eastern wing of this palace to the public. Work will also continue in the castle chapel. "I firmly believe that these works will once again open up new and beautiful spaces for visitors that they could not see in the past. The work will be implemented from the program Let's Renew Our House of the Ministry of Culture and the participation of the municipality of Beckov. In the future, they will serve for a wider use and improve the services of the castle, "added Pastier.
A rich cultural program is also planned, the dates of which will depend on current regulations. However, visitors can look forward to traditional events such as Stars in the Wine, Šašo Becko for Children or the Castle Cinema and Honey Weekend. The popular Beckov festivities, Theater Sunday and Assasini in Beckov are also planned for the month of the hive.
Matthew's year full of education
On the occasion of the commemoration of the 700th anniversary of the death of one of the most important medieval figures in Slovak history, Matúš Čák Trenčiansky, many events and exhibitions will be held at Trenčín Castle in honor of him. The first initiative was the issuance of a collectible euro banknote with a value of 0, which depicts Mr. Váh and the Tatras.
Already in April 2021, the museum in Kasárny will open a unique exhibition, which will present not only Matúš Čák Trenčiansky himself, but also the time in which he lived. "The exhibition will also reveal valuable and unique collection items, it will be interactive and at the same time educational. It will attract and entertain visitors of all ages. The children will certainly be thrilled by the armor of the soldier who served in Matúš's army, "explained Radovana Keliarová from the marketing and communication department of the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín.
The summer tourist season will be opened by Matúš's period castle festivities, which will include a craft fair, servants and the art of falconers and swordsmen. In addition, there will be several lectures and on 23-24. an autumn conference is planned for September 2021.
In addition to other interesting events related to Čák, the castle is also planning several popular events such as Heaven, Hell, Crampus and IMT Smile concerts and the ABBA Symphonic show. There will also be educational lectures and fun days for children at the period apiary.
A big and expected novelty is the opening of a new entrance with a cash register through the southern fortifications of the castle from the Brezina forest park, which should be accessible as early as April.
Modern technology enthusiasts can look forward to a 3D tour of Barborin Palace thanks to the mobile application. "We have created a new mobile application called 3D Castles of the Trenčín Region, which we are launching on a pilot basis at Trenčín Castle. The application will be available to all visitors to the castle and will provide them with a unique experience in the form of an interactive tour. Thanks to the application, the empty rooms of Barborin Palace will be filled with period furniture, historical buildings and figures of Hedviga Tešínská and her son Ján, "said Eva Frývaldská, Executive Director of the Trenčín Region Regional Tourism Organization.
Reconstruction and culture
An active year is also planned at Čachtice Castle. They believe that the reconstruction of the wall will take place, which will take place according to the project of Architectural and Historical Research. "For this part, we applied for a subsidy from the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, from the grant program Let's Renew Our House. The second part of the work should concern repairs to the upper castle. It is a reconstruction of a staircase in a residential tower, a fireplace, a wall by the staircase and entrance arches to individual rooms. We would like to finance these works from our own resources, "said the administrator of the Čachtice castle, Alica Čechvalová.
Even at this castle, however, visitors will see events such as the Castle Festival, Summer Palace, Medieval Children's Day, Observation of the Perseids or Ghosts at the castle, which are scheduled for the summer months. Autumn will again belong to the Feast of the Light Bear, the Line of Advent, and the year will end with New Year's Eve at Čachtice Castle.
Bojnice Castle will present a novelty
After opening the gates to the public, the chateau sightseeing circuit, which brings the housing of the nobility closer, will boast of a novelty that will attract both young and old. It will be an interactive multimedia projection which, through modern technologies and with the use of archival image material, brings the period images of the chateau closer in contrast to the present.
On Saturday, March 27, 2021, the Slovak National Museum - Bojnice Museum honored the ecological project of the worldwide campaign called Earth Hour by turning off the external lighting of the castle for one hour. They intend to continue with such pleasant initiatives.
"On the first Friday in April, part of the exterior lighting of Bojnice Castle will turn blue. The United Nations has declared April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day . Every year, a number of awareness-raising projects are held around the world to raise awareness of autism and help autistic people integrate into society. The Bojnice Museum has been supporting this activity since 2015, "said Petra Gordíková, Cultural and Promotional Manager of the Department of Museum Communication, Marketing and Services to Visitors to the Slovak National Museum - Bojnice Museum.
Reconstruction works and events are also planned by other castles in the Trenčín Region, which, however, due to the difficult current situation, cannot accurately assess the size of the works and activities that will eventually be implemented. Nevertheless, they can't wait for the date when the castle gates will open to the general public, who will once again be able to gather new information and the great atmosphere typical of the place.
In Trenčín, 2.4.2021
Text: MT
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