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A train will take you to Trenčín Castle

After the recently opened novelty, the reconstructed southern fortifications and the new access entrance, Trenčín Castle is another tourist attraction that will delight not only small tourists. You can make the trip to the castle more pleasant by riding a tourist train. The Matúš Čák train will take you from May 29, 2021 until the end of September.

Although driving is limited to the end of September this year, year-round operation is planned from March next year. In two wagons, it can take up to 56 people at a time at a speed of 10 to 20 km per hour. In addition to the ride to the castle, visitors can also look forward to a total adventure and sightseeing ride. The train will run on two routes, each of which also includes the city center circuit. One will lead through the Brezina forest park directly to the Matúš Čák castle, while the other will take the public to the Trenčín island.

The individual stops will be recognizable thanks to the signage, where people will also find detailed route schedules and timetables. “The ticket price will range from 2 to 7 euros, depending on the choice of route. In the offer you will find discounted, but also family tickets, "revealed Zuzana Ludvigová , the manager of the company operating the tourist train.

The Matúš Čák train will run from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm. It will be available to the public for the first time on Saturday, May 29, 2021. However, it will be possible to see it the day before, on May 28, when the ceremonial opening of the Southern Fortifications of Trenčín Castle and Čerešňová Sad.

In Trenčín 17.5.2021

Text: MT

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