


The local green route, connecting the village of Záskalie with Považská Bystrica. The route has a wavy character and can be handled by a less capable cyclist. The biggest attraction on the route is in particular the beautiful natural environment of Strážovské vrchy. Most of the route passes through the Protected Landscape Area of ​​Strážovské vrchy and therefore a cyclist should behave in a decent way and respect the nature conservation guidelines.

Route no. 5313


MTB cycling route





License plate number



14,9 km

Camber (climb/sinking)

425/326 m


asphalt, gravel

Čelkova Lehota - Mojtín

Čelkova Lehota - Mojtín

The local green route, connecting the village of Záskalie with Považská Bystrica. The route has a wavy character and can be handled by a less capable cyclist. The biggest attraction on the route is in particular the beautiful natural environment of Strážovské vrchy. Most of the route passes through the Protected Landscape Area of ​​Strážovské vrchy and therefore a cyclist should behave in a decent way and respect the nature conservation guidelines.

14,9 km
425/326 m
MTB cycling route
Čelkova Lehota - Mojtín

Čelkova Lehota - Mojtin

The route starts at the crossroads with blue cycling route above the village of Čelkov Lehota with a beautiful view. Right from the beginning, a downhill ride down to the village of Ďurďová, where we feed on the asphalt road and continue to the village of Spring. For a moment we again meet the blue biking trail. At the beginning of the Spring, the green route turns right. Here we go through the local part of Chmelisko, where you can find a beautiful bell tower. The village of Spring is known for similar bells, and there are four. Next, we pass under the rock formations of Podstrazie to Riedek, where we can take a break on the landing. From there, the trail continues along the beautiful valley along the Mojtin Creek. There is a new asphalt surface, cycling is very convenient here. We come to the altar beneath the Mojtínská jaskyňa. The asphalt road continues towards Zliechov and the green route continues along the pebble forest road further towards Mojtín. The route here begins to rise sharply and continues to the village. On the left side we can turn to the mentioned Mojtín cave. It features a unique cave church. The green route ends in the village of Mojtín near the church.

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