welcomein Trenčín Region

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from different corners of our region.




Seven Wonderful Wonders

Pyramids in Giza, Artemidin Temple in Ephesus, Diovi statue in Olympia, and Mausoleum in Halikarnasse - the seven wonders of the world are known to everyone. Even the Copan region has its unique features that you do not find anywhere else. Some are grazing for the eyes, others will delight your ears or taste buds.

In 2013, the members of the Kopanic region - local action group organized a non-traditional poll. Through the Internet vote they searched for seven wonders of the Copan region. They wanted to point out the interesting attractions that are here and attract new tourists. The voters chose among 23 places or things that are characteristic of this region. The pompous first step was occupied by the mosque of Milan Rastislav Štefánik in Brezová pod Bradlom. The work of architect Dušan Jurkovič reminds us today of a significant Slovak state-runner, as well as the events when the Slovaks were among the free peoples of the world.

If you want to learn more about the wonders of the Kopanic region, choose the Holuby chat in the Great Javorine, the Myjava International Folklore Festival or the Gazdovsky Court in Turej Lúke. The Myjavská Tower of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Empire, the Polana Tower in Brestovec and probably the most typical distillate of this region - the Copan's Slivovitz, also has its place in the elite sevens.

author: bas

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