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Monuments of the Trenčín and Zlín regions at Trenčín Castle

The history that unites us - this is the name of the exhibition, which was presented on Wednesday, July 24, 2019 by the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín region in the premises of Barborinho Palace at Trenčín Castle. The cultural heritage of the two neighboring regions can be admired by the public until August 8, 2019.

What would it look like if castles, chateaux, manors, nature reserves or museums of the Trenčín Region and its Czech neighbor, the Zlín Region, were combined into one comprehensive tourism product? The answer to the question bears the first fruits of the international project "Cultural and historical heritage as a basic attribute of national consciousness". "The exhibition" History that unites us "is the output of one of the project activities. The intention of cooperation between the regional tourism organization Trenčín region and the Tourist Board of East Moravia is to increase awareness of famous, but also lesser-known monuments of the Trenčín region and East Moravia, " said Pavol Štefčík, project manager of KOCR Trenčín region.

Interconnection and long-term cooperation

Notorious buildings, but also dusty historical monuments present attractive photographs with short descriptions. "The project has a beautiful intention. To unite the cultural heritage of two nations, Czech and Slovak, and highlight the monuments we have, " said Eva Frývaldská, Executive Director of the Trenčín Region Regional Tourism Organization. "We have a long-term cooperation with the Tourist Board of East Moravia. We are very pleased to have such a partner - an organization that has 12 years of experience and can turn them into unique results. One of them is this exhibition, which is the result of our joint efforts, " added Frývaldská.

Dominant of the region as a messenger of heritage  

The traveling exhibition "History that unites us" is no coincidence at Trenčín Castle. "The reason for placing the exhibits at Trenčín Castle is simple. The rich attendance and the importance of the castle, as monuments or dominants of the Trenčín region, will ensure the message of the exhibition - the enlightenment of our historical monuments, " Frývaldská clarified. The exposition of the most beautiful that a tourist can visit in the Trenčín and Zlín regions is located in the castle premises until August 8, 2019. Subsequently, the exhibition will be provided by the temporary home of Draškovičov manor house in Čachtice, where it will be visible for two weeks. The date of the opening will be announced by the organizer of the exhibition (KOCR Trenčín region) on his website - www.trencinregion.sk

In Trenčín, July 30, 2019

Text: PŠ

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