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Regiontour 2019 - The Presentation of Tourism in the Trenčín Region attracts visitors

In the premises of the Brno Exhibition Center, the next edition of the International Tourism Fair - Regiontour 2019 was held on 17 - 20 January 2019. Cultural sights, attractions and attractions of the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj (TSK) were once again presented by representatives of the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín region.

The traditional fair for diverse tourist products, leisure time tips, meeting with interesting personalities, or tasting gourmet specialties once again introduced a rich offer of tourism. Over the course of four days, more than 800 exhibiting companies from 20 countries around the world were presented in the showrooms.

Inspiration, new knowledge, exciting acquaintances and the discovery of delicious tastes have been attended by more than 30,000 visitors - tourism professionals, representatives of the state administration and local authorities and, in particular, final clients.

The beauty of the Trenčín region was also approached by the KOCR Trenčín region

Even this year, the visitors were presented not only by the news but also by the representatives of the Trenčín Region , who presented representatives of the KOCR Trenčín region in the exhibition stand of the partner regions of the South Moravian Region (JMK). Other partner regions of the JMK, including Croatia, Russia, Macedonia, Ukraine, Serbia, and Lower Austria, also had the opportunity to present their culture and beauty.

Visitors have visited the most interesting tourist sites, cultural monuments or the possibility of relaxing in the spa. The region's extensive offer has been complemented by promotional materials of TSK's founding organizations and private tourism service providers.

"The Regiontour exhibition in Brno always brings a lot of positive feedback but also interesting incentives or possibilities for new cooperation. We are grateful for our partnership with the South Moravian Region, which gives us the opportunity to present the Trenčian region. It is always pleasantly spent four days, during which we carry out a lot of working interviews and meetings, and we present the region to the professional and the general public, " commented the participation of the Executive Director of KOCR Trenčín Region Eva Frývaldská .

The most numerous group of people was seniors

Even though all age categories were represented at the exhibition center, the seniors showed the greatest interest in news and attractions from the Trenčín Region. The cyclists, bicycle routes and new cycling routes, the offer of baths, as well as specific monuments, castles and castles, and their program for 2019, occupied large numbers. The reason is, among other things, the advantageous amount of public transport and the desire to discover new, attractive tourist sites neighboring state.

The main aspects of great public interest in the Regiontour exhibition at the Brno Exhibition Center include, in particular, the combination of gastronomy with craft and musical activities and tourism, which will give the visitor a comprehensive view of the region or the area presented.

Author: MT

In Trenčín, January 22, 2019

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