The Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín Region announced on June 15, 2016, a photo contest called "Trenčiansky kraj cez fotoobjektiv " , which aimed at encouraging the creativity and activity of photographers and encouraging them to capture the beauty of Trenčín region.
The passionate photographers - professionals and laymen - were able to send their artworks to three competition categories during the duration of the photo competition from 15.6.2016 to 31.10.2016 :
1. Castles, chateaus and cultural monuments in the region,
2. Nature,
3rd Snapshots - photos from various events in the Trenčín Region.
On the official end of the photo competition, 886 photos were submitted by 178 competing photographers . The submitted photographs will be reviewed by a professional commission composed of professional photographers from the Trenčín Region. Everyone involved in the photo competition competed for attractive prizes: iPhone smartphones, Trenčianske Teplice vouchers and vouchers to the Saunas Spa Spa Green Frog. The results of the photo competition will be published by the KOCR Trenčín Region until 15.11.2016.
All photos submitted to the photo competition can then be used to promote the tourist attractions of the Trenčian region, through the KOCR Trenčín region, the two-month Trenčín region, printed promotional materials, publications or PR articles. Each competitor has the opportunity to contribute to the visual presentation of the Trenčín region and the promotion of its natural, cultural or historical attractions.
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