14. 05. 2022 - 15. 05. 2022
Date nad time
Saturday 14. May 2022 -
Sunday 15. May 2022
in Saturday, Sunday
Beckov castle
Beckov 180
916 38 Beckov
On the occasion of Saturday's Night of Museums and Galleries, you will find not only entertainment but also many interesting facts from history at Beckov Castle.
In addition to quests and activities for children, you can visit this year's two exhibitions - about the owners of the castle and medieval kitchens . You will be able to enter Beckov's religious history through the Sacred Way or the historian's interpretation of the life of the late medieval church with all its virtues and transgressions.
On Saturday, during the Night of Museums and Galleries, the castle remains open even after dark and you can take part in an exceptional tour - Wine with the director , which will focus mainly on the architectural specifics of the castle, current and current restoration of the castle and future plans.
The show will be followed by a discussion and screening of short films Via castrum about several Slovak castles . The discussion about the ruins in Slovakia and their restoration will currently continue with the historian Jana Cabadajová or the director of Beckov Castle
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Beckov 180
916 38 Beckov