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Moma knows the Trenčín region

Trenčiansky region boasts plenty of beautiful natural hills, historical sights, castles, chateaus, ruins, spas, but also a number of uncovered places. The Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín region has decided to present the youngest generation through the cooperation with the popular youtuberka and blogger Martina Horňáková alias Moma, which comes from Trenčín.

During the summer weekends, Moma also knew the less well-known tourist sites of the Trenčín region, visited Trenčiansky and Považský Castle, the castles of Beckov and Čachtice and the enchanting Manínská tiesňava. A bit of adrenaline tried to climb to the Beckov castle rock and experienced a mysterious atmosphere in the cave underground or in the Spring Cave. The famous Trenčanka, after every trip, made a funny video with her experiences and funny notes. "We've set up a filming program so that Moma can see the most popular places that families with children visit. In her videos, she invited fans to know all the sites she visited. Under the motto "In the footsteps of Mom", children spent the summer holidays discovering the most interesting places in our region, "said Eva Fryvaldská, Executive Director of KOCR Trenčín Region.

The popular Young Youtuberka also tasted regional gastronomy, discovering natural beauties or the best places for swimming in Trenčianske Teplice. Here, besides the baths, the bridge of glory and the park where the popular film festival takes place every year. The Nitra Mountains did not miss the Bojnice Castle, which is one of the most visited monuments in Slovakia and did not forget to visit the golf course. The recognition of the region was completed by a visit to Prepoštská jaskyňa, where you could see the Museum of the Forefront. "I'm looking forward to seeing a lot of new and exciting places during the filming that really pays to visit. The Trenčín region is beautiful, I will be glad to see these interesting places thanks to my videos and my fans, "said Mt. Youtuberka enthusiasm.

Adult Adult Videos in the Trenčín region have been attracting thousands of teenagers on social networks. Those who have not been able to see videos on the facebook fan page of the Trenčín region can still see them on the Mom's channel. Just click and inspire with fun tips for a trip.


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Trenčianske Teplice

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