10. 06. 2023 - 11. 06. 2023
Date nad time
Saturday 10. June 2023 -
Sunday 11. June 2023
in Saturday, Sunday
Beckov castle
Beckov 180
916 38 Beckov
A weekend full of fashion and sewing, where you can experience a variety of textile crafts from needlework to weaving, admire Renaissance fashion and the work of future fashion designers, or be transported to the world of folk tales thanks to the Gallery theater.
On Saturday at 2:00 p.m., there will be a fashion show of the work of the students of the School of Art Industry in TN.
On Sundays, theater performances and a tour of Renaissance Hungarian fashion, including interpretation.
11:00 Konôpka (Gallery Theatre)
14:00 Zlatá pridka (Divadielko Galéria)
15:00 Renaissance fashion show (Fringia)
16:00 Konôpka (Gallery Theatre)
During the day, there will also be creative workshops with the production of dolls, lace and sewing, guided tours, archery and various activities for children and adults.
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Beckov 180
916 38 Beckov