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the rain


Based on the extraordinary situation and the declaration of the Central Crisis Staff of the Slovak Republic dated 12 March 2020 on the closure of school facilities, in the period from 13 March 2020 until the decision on the closure of school facilities will take place. That is, connections marked with:

USA Trenčín: x10

In addition to the valid timetable, connections marked x11, x34, x38 will operate during this period (ie the same regime as during the spring holidays and the Easter holidays).

USA Prievidza: x10, x18, 525, 726

In addition to the valid timetable, connections marked x11, x43, x46, x56, x61 will operate during this period (ie the same regime as during the spring holidays and the Easter holidays).

In order to protect the health of drivers, we ask you not to occupy the first row of seats behind the driver.

Thank you for understanding.

In Trenčín, 13.3.2020

Text: TSK communication department

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