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KOCR Trencin region for the second time at the trade fair in Trenčín

Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) The Trenčín Region has become the professional guarantor of the 6th annual Tourism Fair of the Region Tour Expo in Trenčín . The fair, which aims to present a tourist offer of the regions of Slovakia and the Czech Republic, kicked off on Friday, May 13, 2017, at the exhibition grounds of the Expo Center in Trenčín. The rich offer of holiday tips or the tasting of traditional Slovak dishes at the fair complements the performances of folklore ensembles or traditional craft fairs.

On the first day of the event KOCR Trenčín organized a working meeting of representatives of regional (KOCR) and regional tourism organizations (OOCR) from all over Slovakia together with representatives of the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic. The meeting continued with an exchange of experience during a conference titled "Destination Management and Marketing in Practice" . Here, the executive directors of tourism organizations were given the opportunity to present their activities. Experience with the management of the destination in the introduction was presented by the Executive Director of KOCR Trenčín region Eva Frývaldská : "Despite the short, only 2-year existence of our organization, we can boast a few successes in the field of online marketing or communication on social networks. I am delighted that the conference offered a space for comparing the activities of individual tourism organizations, drawing inspiration and exchanging experiences. "

Mr. Marta Haronikova , Executive Director of the Nitra Tourism Organization, Peter Šimčák , Managing Director of OOCR Malá Fatra, Lenka Vargová Jurková from KOCR Košický kraj, and Michaela Potočárová from OOCR Trnava, presented their long-term knowledge of tourism management, organizing events or building tourism infrastructure tourism.

KOCR Trenčín region presented new promotional brochures and cycling maps of the Trenčín Region during the opening ceremony of its own exhibition. "We managed to compile 4 types of brochures that copy the natural regions of the Trenčín region: Myjavy, Horné Povazia, Upper Nitra and Trenčín with the surrounding area. The brochures are for everyone who wants to visit our region, even foreign guests, as the texts are listed in three language mutations, " said KOCR President Trenčín Juraj Gerlici .

In addition to new promotional brochures, representatives and members of the KOCR Trenčín region have introduced the first cycling map of the Trenčín region. According to Trenčiansky župan, Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj supports cycling in the region. "Every year we provide a financial contribution for the renewal of cycling routes, we support the Vrchárska koruna Trenčianska project and our employees are also involved in the project Bicycle Work," said TSK Chairman Jaroslav Baška .

Brochures about the Trenčian region as well as the new cycling map were celebrated by the three thermal baths in the Trenčín Region - Nimnica, Trenčianske Teplice and Bojnice. The leading parents were TSK Chairman Jaroslav Baška , MDK SR Director of Destination Management Martina Fondrková , KOCR Trenčín Region Juraj Gerlici , Director of OOCR Trenčín and surroundings Zuzana Luhová and TSK Cyclocordner Radovan Hladký .

As part of the first day of the fair, the visitors of the fair could try their athletic skills on cycling trainers at the KOCR in Trenčín and compete in the 500 m sprint. The level of knowledge about the tourist beauties and monuments of the Trenčín Region could be tested in an electronic knowledge game about the Trenčín region , which was specially created for the KOCR Trenčín region. The Region Tour Expo will continue on Saturday, May 13, 2017, from 9:00 to 18:00. Visitors find a lot of interesting information and presentation brochures from OOCR Trenčianske Teplice, OOCR Trenčín and the surrounding area, OOCR Horné Považie Region and OOCR HORNÁ NITRA-BOJNICE region in the KOCR Trenčín region.

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