


Royal fairy tales at Bojnice Castle

14. 06. 2023 - 18. 06. 2023

Date nad time

Wednesday 14. June 2023 -
Sunday 18. June 2023
in Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


Bojnický zámok
972 01 Bojnice

Kráľovské rozprávky na Bojnickom zámku
Kráľovské rozprávky na Bojnickom zámku

Royal fairy tales at Bojnice Castle

The fairy-tale castle was created as a reaction to the suggestions and ideas of visitors, connected with film and television fairy tales realized in the interiors and exteriors of the Bojnice Castle. This event combines the fairytale predispositions of a romantic cultural monument with the charm of Slovak folk tales, as well as foreign fairy tales. It is educational and noble entertainment for children, youth and adults.

During the jubilee 25th year of the event, visitors will be presented with these three selected fairy tales

1. The Frog Prince

2. Proud princess

3. King of time

Next planned performance 21-25.6.2023

More information about the event HERE

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Address Bojnický zámok
972 01 Bojnice


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