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Traditions of our region: Competitive photographs capture the folklore and historical monuments of Trenčiansky kraj

The photo competition The tradition of our region has been continued after last year's successful start in the Trenčín Region. Even this year, amateur photographers can compete with their photos on folk customs, traditions, historical monuments and traditional folk architecture.

The competition is hosted by the Dom Matice slovenskej in Prievidza, which also has another popular photographic contest of Horná Nitra with my eyes. In order to increase the public interest, the organizer decided to cross the border of the Upper-Slovak region and to allow competitors to compete across the Trenčín region. "We want to motivate the general public to discover and to recognize the folk customs, traditions, architecture and the life of our ancestors through the photographic competition Traditions of our region. At the same time, we encourage people to visit traditional folklore events and give photographers an opportunity to gain and share experiences, present a photographic creation and compare it. What is less important, we are involved in the documentation and popularization of the culture of the regions of the Trenčín Region, "said Vlastimil Uhlár, the director of the Matyáš house in Prievidza, with the fact that Matice slovenská has long been devoted to the preservation and development of the Slovak cultural heritage. The main partner of the project is the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj, which has financially supported its implementation.

The organizer also tries to motivate amateur photographers with thematic main prize. The winner will receive a two-day weekend stay for three days at the luxurious Gino Park Palace Hotel with an exceptional restaurant located in a quiet area of ​​Považská Bystrica, called Orlová, just 2 minutes from the D1 motorway. In the historical premises of the 17th century mansion, it offers accommodation, a restaurant with original kitchen, lounges, a café, a lobby bar with a summer terrace, a wellness center, an indoor and outdoor fitness center, a chapel and a large historic park.

The competition photo will be evaluated by a professional jury composed of professional photographers and tourism specialists. The best photos will be celebrated at the exhibition opening at the KORZO Prievidza shopping center and will be the winners of the prize. Deadline for submitting your competition photos is 30 September 2018. For more information, visit https://www.maticapd.com/projects/traditions/ .

Source: Vlastimil Uhlár, director, Dom Matice slovenskej Prievidza

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