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Relax in the Trenčín region even during Christmas

Measures are also in force in December, which are updated at regular intervals, based on the development of the Covid-19 pandemic in Slovakia. Therefore, it may not always be clear to the public what and to what extent it is open and which facilities they can visit. This problem has also affected spas and relaxation centers in the Trenčín Region, which mostly provide their services to the public in compliance with all regulations.

The change compared to the classic operation is the fact that those interested in spas in Trenčianske Teplice, Nimnice and Bojnice will be allowed to enter only as accommodated guests, so one-time entrances are not possible.

Where to go for a rest?

If you would like to relax before Christmas, even if only for one night, there is a spa in Trenčianske Teplice . Opening hours and sale of procedures are in standard mode. In accordance with all valid decisions, the spa is limited, especially in terms of compliance with hygiene recommendations and measures, including the capacity utilization of procedures to 50%. Precisely due to capacity reasons, they were also forced to suspend their successful and popular Spa in the Region project.

"We offer all our medical procedures, some in connection with a previous medical consultation. A short questionnaire and body temperature measurement are a matter of course. We do not currently provide wellness procedures such as saunas and a whirlpool, "said Andrej Puček , Director of Sales and Marketing at the Trenčianske Teplice Spa.

He added that for some interested parties, the information available may be unclear. Because of this, they are often unable to distinguish between a wellness hotel and a spa hotel, and therefore whether the facility is open or closed.

When visiting the Nimnica Spa , you need to prove yourself with a valid PCR or antigen test. If necessary, it is possible to test those interested in staying on the spot. The ban on the provision of free-sale procedures and entry to the wellness public applies to all spas, including Nimnice. Procedures can therefore only be ordered together with accommodation. Classic accommodation is also available for guests, observing all measures.

The same principles and conditions apply to the Bojnice Spa , which remains equally open to those interested in procedures together with accommodation. Up-to-date information on the opening hours of all facilities can always be found on the individual spa websites.

Temporarily closed

However, not all relaxation facilities are active. The Malé Bielice thermal baths currently have their gates closed to the public. However, once the measures have been relaxed, they are able to react promptly and make the space available to the public. Despite the current unavailability, it is possible to download the 1 + 1 stock coupon from the website, valid until 31.1.2021.

"Although not all centers providing relaxation in the Trenčín region are open, those interested have several options in this period, where they can indulge in relaxation. We believe that even those that are currently closed will be able to resume their activities as soon as possible, ” said Eva Frývaldská , Executive Director of the Trenčín Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR).

If you are thinking about visiting one of the spas in the Trenčín Region, always check the availability, accessibility and specific conditions for entering the facility when changing regulations.

In Trenčín, 7.12.2020

Text: MT

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