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The Trenčín Region is developing cooperation in the field of cultural heritage development

The Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Trenčín Regional Chamber, the Trenčín Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR), Beckov Castle, zzpo, CULTURAL HERITAGE CONSULTING, sro and the SOPK Agency for the Development of the Trenčín Region signed a memorandum on cooperation in the development of activities on Friday 31 July 2020 in the field of support for activities contributing to the preservation of cultural heritage as an important element of the development of the Trenčín region.

The initiative came from the cooperation of several actors, united by a common goal based on the international initiative of the ARTISTIC project, the Interreg Central Europe program, which is to improve cooperation between cultural operators, citizens, entrepreneurs and financial donors. "The initiator of the project was the Trenčín Regional Chamber of Commerce and the regional tourism organization Trenčín region," said Ján Václav, director of the Trenčín Regional Chamber of Commerce.

The MoC is based on a portfolio of acceding partners' expertise and is open to other acceding organizations. The intention is to create a professional basis for regional support, especially in areas that have not yet been developed. "The idea is for companies, as representatives of the private sector, to start promoting the intangible cultural heritage. The project opens up new opportunities for financing and support, but also marketing, such as alternative methods such as crowdfunding, which was tested in this project, " added Václav.

The memorandum also includes a plan for cooperation with tools and services, which are based on the fact that experienced people and organizations have been operating in the region for a long time, steadily developing activities in the field of cultural heritage preservation, but also new people with new initiatives and projects welcoming the opportunity. exchanges of experience, consultation, advice and guidance on appropriate forms of funding.

The strategic challenges for the region are to support events presenting the region's cultural heritage in addition to sensitive links with the areas of lifelong learning, creative industries and tourism. "Based on the partnership, we focused more on the promotion of intangible cultural heritage in the form of support for cultural events aimed at young people, so that the cultural heritage is preserved for future generations," said Eva Frývaldská, Executive Director of KOCR Trenčín Region.

In the area of financing, the strategic challenges of the region are complemented by the use of combined forms of refinancing from state support programs, bank and foundation financing, including relatively new forms of financing in the form of the above-mentioned crowdfunding. " After attending foreign meetings and workshops within the project, we are more aware of the importance of involving the private sector and the public in supporting events that are still absent in Slovakia, compared to other countries," concluded Frývaldská.

For more information contact:

Ing. Ján Václav , Director of the Trenčín Regional Chamber, Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Jilemnického 2, 911 01 Trenčín sopkrktn@sopk.sk

PhDr. Eva Frývaldská , Executive Director of KOCR Trenčín Region, K dolnej stanice 7282/20 A, Trenčín, eva.fryvaldska@trencinregion.sk

About Project

Title: "Assessment of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (NCD) for Local Sustainable Development in the Regions of Central Europe"

Applicant: t2i Technology Transfer and Innovation - Lead Partner

Partners: 12 partners from 8 countries;

Associated partners from the Slovak Republic: KOCR Trenčín, SOPK Agency for the Development of the Trenčín Region, Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic,

Funding: This project is funded by the INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE program, which supports the cooperation of common needs in Central Europe.

Implementation period: VI / 2017 - VIII / 2020 (action plan until 2025)

Description: The aim of the project is to improve cooperation between cultural operators, civil society, entrepreneurs and financial partners, and also to support these groups in order to improve the quality of their activities in relation to the enhancement of the intangible cultural heritage. The model developed by the ARTISTIC International Partnership aims, on the one hand, to improve the competence of intangible cultural heritage actors to implement and develop projects with better entrepreneurial capacity and, on the other hand, to help create opportunities to adapt intangible cultural heritage ideas to potential investors' expectations. marketing aspects.


• ARTISTIC NKD evaluation strategy for local sustainable development

• International crowdfunding network strategy

• Manifesto of valorisation of intangible cultural heritage

• ARTISTIC project toolkit for valorisation of intangible cultural heritage

• Recommendations for the establishment of local working groups for the valorisation of NKD

• Recommendations for strengthening cooperation with the private sector

• Proposal of the concept of the NKD cooperation network

• Joint action to verify crowdfunding as a financial instrument for NDA projects

• Joint pilot actions related to the development of NKD projects

• Preparation for the development of the NKD mediator profile

• Study visits: best practices regarding the protection and valorisation of NQF

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