On Thursday, October 19, 2017, representatives of the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj (TSK) and nearly 20 representatives of towns and municipalities met together in the conference hall of the Cultural Center in Bojnice with a joint memorandum of cooperation on the construction of a cycle path on the upper Nitra.
Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj does not forget about the region of Upper Nitra when building cycle paths. The cycle of cycling infrastructure in Upper Nitra is to form a cycle path of more than 50 kilometers , connecting the towns of Handlová, Prievidza, Nováky and Partizánske, leading up to the border with the Nitra region. For this axis, municipalities should connect their own cycle routes in the future. For the inhabitants of the Upper region, a suitable alternative to individual motor transport would be created.
It is important for such a major project to work together. "20 representatives of towns and municipalities were going to sign a memorandum of cooperation, through which the cycle path on the upper Nitra will be traversed. Collaboration of the county with cities and municipalities will involve the settlement of land, the settlement of different opinions and individual confirmations. The signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation of the Trenčín Autonomous Region and the municipalities through which cadastral territory will be going through this cycle path will be possible in the course of next year to start work on individual sections in terms of territorial and construction proceedings, " said TSK Vice-Chairman Richard Takac, who signed the Memorandum of the Trenčiansky župan Jaroslav Bašek.
The total length of the proposed cycle route reaches 50 kilometers, with the estimated estimated investment amounting to approximately EUR 8.8 million. "The ambition of the project is to serve the Upper Nitra region and support the development of cycling. In several cases, there were several variants of bicycle route solutions, some of which were optimal in terms of property-legal relationships, some in terms of financial and other aspects of bicycle safety, "said project architect Andrej Jáchim. The signing of the memorandum was also expressed by Trenčiansky župan Jaroslav Baška. "The signing of the Memorandum is a gesture by which municipalities express an effort to engage in the construction of a cycle route. The Sacred Cycle Route and the Highway Highway should in future be the main bicycle arteries in our region that will create suitable conditions not only for sports and recreational cycling but also for starting work, "added the robe.
In addition to signing the Memorandum, the study of the project " Improvement of Cycling Infrastructure in the Upper Nitra" took place in the premises of the Congress Center of the Bojnice Center. The regional tourism organization Trenčín Region also presented its promotional materials on cycling and tourism in the region.
Source: Odd. communication and international relations of TSK
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