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slightly cloudy

The name of the cycle route is in the world

It is decided. The new bicycle artery of the region will be named Sage Cyclomagistral. For exactly half a year, the public with a permanent residence on the territory of the Trenčín Region could submit their proposals on how to call a 100 km long cycle route, which the Trenčín Region has been actively building since November 2017. In the public poll, three names were used for the people's favor, 22 of them. May 2018 has become the new name of the most important bicycle artery in the region.

Replace a good idea for a new bicycle from TSK was the name of the Creative Competition of the Trencin Autonomous Region, which lasted from November 22, 2017 to May 22, 2018 . Trenčín sought to find a new name for its unique project, which is trying to build quality cycling infrastructure on the territory of the region . The competition itself was divided into two parts; collecting competition names and voting for the public.

Favorite animals benefited unambiguously

Of the hundreds of tender proposals received in the prescribed period in the Trenčín County, the best three were elected to the public vote. Cycling route Matúša Čáč Trenčianskeho, Považská cyklotrasa Matúš Čaká and Wezová cyklomagistrála got 350 votes from the voting website of www.cyklotrasytsk.sk . The clear favorite among the voting public has become the name Vážska cycling.

The author of the winning title can look forward to a brand new mountain bike

The biggest attraction of participation in the competition of the Trenčian Autonomous Region was undoubtedly the main win - mountain bike . A new owner, whose proposed name was most popular with the general public, will soon be upgrading to his saddle. For his proposal, Marek Branis of Puchov won the first prize and a completely new mountain bike from TSK. The winner will take the prize for creativity directly from the hands of Trenčiansky župan Jaroslav Bašek, during the Open Door Day TSK 2018 . The day when the County opens its doors to the public for the fifth time will be tailor-made for all cyclists and can be enjoyed with us on October 1, 2018. The TSK is also equipped with practical cycling gear for the authors of the other two competing names. In addition to the Green County jersey, he also finds a helmet, a bell, or a warning trumpet.

The most extensive TSK project, which will create a basic skeleton of cycling communications in the region and will gradually feed on other cycling and hiking routes, will now be titled " Weigh Cycling". After the first built section of 13.4 km between Horná Streda and Novy Mest nad Vahom, Púchov - Nosická priehrada is just before completion. The first cyclists would be able to go after the summer holidays.

Source: Odd. communication and international relations, TSK

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