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The journey "In the footsteps of the Trenčanka elf" knows the winners

With the first day of summer vacation, another summer adventure started in the Trenčín region. The leprechaun from last year's successful Hojdačka search again traveled the region and accompanied adventurers of all ages to famous and lesser-known places. During 3 months, from July 1 to September 30, the successful searchers completed 8 trips, during which they visited castles, learned about history, took a bike ride, discovered an unusual museum or went on a trip to nature, where an attractive destination awaited them. The regional tourism organization (KOCR) of the Trenčín region tries to support domestic tourism and present the attractions of the Trenčín region every year.

"Based on experience from previous years of our summer projects, we know that people are very happy to get to know new, lesser-known tourist locations. Therefore, we have decided to continue in a similar spirit this summer season and have selected 8 interesting places in the region that are definitely worth getting to know. In order to make travel attractive for children, a playful plan was once again included, which accompanied the searchers on their trips. In addition to the interest associated with each place, it also contained a simple task that had to be fulfilled," explained Juraj Gerlici, chairman of KOCR Trenčín region, about the idea of the project.

Tips for trips and interesting rewards motivated many families and a group of friends

"We were very pleased with the interest in the competition. Before the official start of the game, we distributed a thousand pieces of maps to the competition venues and selected tourist information centers (TIC). Already after the first month since the launch of the competition, we had to reprint additional plans. A total of 1,400 pieces were distributed," explained Pavol Štefčík, acting executive director of KOCR Trenčín region.

During the summer, the contestants got to know the observatory in Partizánské, the Museum of Prehistory in Bojnice and the Mound of MR Štefánik. They looked through the window into the past at Beckov Castle, stepped to the oversized bench in Lúky and swung on the forest swing in Jasenica. Thanks to the game, they also got to know the modern and interactive elements that KOCR Trenčín Region tries to use in the presentation of the region. One of them is the Hrady3D application and augmented reality on three castles. In this case, at Čachtice Castle, where thanks to her, visitors met its well-known resident, Alžbeta Bátoriová. They planned a bicycle trip thanks to the interactive kiosk, which is located on the frequent BEVLAVA bicycle route in Nemšová.

"I would like to thank you for the whole idea and organization of this year's summer game. Once again, we got to know a lot of interesting places that we had no idea about, and especially for the children, the competition was very motivating to go on a trip with us," one of the contestants praised the game.

Despite the fact that the project is communicated as a summer game for families with children, the reactions of the contestants say that the trips will appeal to all age groups. Young couples, older couples and groups of friends participated. One example is a group of friends: "Just like last year, this year too, my friends and I participated in your competition. They were great trips. We have been to some places a few years ago, but we were happy to repeat them. We look forward to your next competition next year. Sincerely, Zuzana and her friends Anita, Janka and Miňa," they wrote to the sent photos from the trips.

For some, the plan was enough as inspiration for trips, others also participated in the competition

For completing the plan, every competitor in one of the TICs received an immediate reward in the form of a cheerful backpack with the motif of the elf Trenčanka. The ticket to the drawing for the main prizes was to send a photo of completed tasks and the most beautiful photo from the trip. 16 valuable prizes were drawn and hundreds of competitors took advantage of this opportunity. The main prize of the competition was a Garmin smart watch or a 2-night stay at the luxury hotel Gino Park Palace**** in Orlovo . Other valuable prizes were, for example, a family stay for 2 nights with breakfast in the Adriana guesthouse near Zelena voda or purchase vouchers from dovolenka.sme.sk and the Mobelix store network. Several contestants won family tickets to Bojnický Castle , Trenčín Castle and Beckov Castle and vouchers for creative ceramic painting to Bencovje grunt in Bojnice .

The draw took place on October 16, 2023, and the video of the draw with the names of the winners is published on the Trenčín region FB page and on the KOCR Trenčín region website (in the article gallery).

Text: PG


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