A beautiful circuit leading the region of the bloodthirsty Elizabeth Batori. The circuit connects several villages under the castle of Čachtice.
Road cycling route
License plate number
25,3 km
Camber (climb/sinking)
364/364 m
A beautiful circuit leading the region of the bloodthirsty Elizabeth Batori. The circuit connects several villages under the castle of Čachtice.
The route starts and ends at Podolie in Thumbnail Park. In this unique park, we find a cyclist and a junction with the Red Malokarpatskog cyklomagistrálou. From the Miniature Park, the trail goes southwards and at the soche of the saints behind the village turns towards Podolská kopanice and at the same time the yellow route no. 8310. Together they then climb to Ošmek, the highest point on the route. From Ošmek with a pleasant walk through Dobra Mera, they reach Krajné. Here is the intersection of the village with the blue cycling trail no. 2302. This time the circuit continues together with the blue route to the village Hrachovište, where the blue route ends at the cycling road and at the same time there is the Kopaničiarska cyklomagistrála. Together, both routes continue along the winding path alongside the railway to the village of Višňové. From these places there are nice views of Čachtický castle and the castle castle. In Višňov directly under the castle it is possible to refresh and take a short break. Both routes continue together along the stream of Jablonec valley to the village of Čachtice, where the Malokarpatská magistrála connects to it. All the routes together continue to the square, where there is also a cycling tour and the possibility of going to the castle. However, this is currently closed due to the reconstruction. In the square we find also a museum in Draškovič's manor house and a dominant of the village, a fortified church. There is also the possibility of snacks. In Čachtice, the red Kopaničiarska magistrála departs and the circuit continues together along the Malokarpatská magistrála back to the village of Podolie, where it ends.
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