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HoryZonty will offer a festival "double"

The Trenčín festival of adventure films HoryZonty is coming enriched with a new online format. This time, he will present the audience with films in a traditional dress, in the form of a screening in a cinema hall, but after a positive experience and favorable audience responses from last year, spectators will also be able to watch the festival program via the Internet.

Festival live or online?

When considering which version of the event to prefer, the organizers were on the line. In the end, they both won. "Every change is challenging. It is very difficult to predict which decision will be the best, there are many factors in the game. We were encouraged by the reactions of the audience, many liked to watch the festival from the comfort of home. This opportunity was also welcomed by people who would not be allowed to participate in the festival by distance, health or family responsibilities if he were alive, "explains one of the festival's organizers, Mária Dutková. "On the other hand, there is a group of spectators who like personal contact, a festival atmosphere. They are people for whom HoryZonty is not only a cultural but also a social event, a place where they meet friends and people of the same blood type ... And we missed this one too. Smiles, greetings, the satisfaction of the audience, which gives us back all the energy expended. So we decided to do the festival twice - live and online. "

After six years, HoryZonty will return to the Crew Club

After the festival moved to the Hviezda cinema and the Lúč club for several years due to the unfavorable technical condition of the Crew Club building, known to Trenčín as ODA, it is returning to the premises where most of its years have taken place so far. The main program will take place there from 11 to 13 November 2021 with the participation of spectators. Unless there are major changes, the event is likely to take place in OTP mode. In order for the festival atmosphere to be enjoyed by as many visitors as possible, the busier evening film blocks will take place in two halls - in the main theater and in a smaller, universal one. "The program will be the same in both places, the only difference will be that in the main hall there will also be guest presentations during the evening blocks, in the small hall at that time we will show films instead. Some people like live contact with guests, they are interested in their storytelling, photos, stories, some people prefer watching movies. In this way, both groups of spectators will be able to get their money's worth, ”explains Dutková's staff decision.

Online screening a week later

While the main festival program in the Crew Club will take place on the scheduled date, the online festival screening will take place a few days later, from Friday the 19th to Sunday the 21st of November. The program will be modified, as not all films that will be screened within the main program in the Crew Club have managed to obtain a license for online screening. However, even internet visitors will not lose discussions with guests. The organizers plan to make recordings of all the main guest presentations and incorporate them into the online program after processing by the technicians. The pioneer of Slovak ski mountaineering, extreme skier and mountain guide Róbert Gálfy, traveler and photographer Martin Fševed Žilka and climbers Marián Šajnoha and Vladimír Kazo Linek will be introduced to the audience live via the Internet, with whom we will commemorate the centenary of the Slovak Mountaineering Association JAMES.

There will be an accompanying program

The 16th festival year, which does not forget even 100 years since the launch of the first Slovak feature film, will offer viewers approximately 35 films and a film and photography competition. The festival will also include several events within the Arts and Sports in the Life of the Disabled section. Visitors who like to take an active part in the festival can look forward to traditional accompanying events. If the situation allows, on Saturday, November 13, there will be a Festival Cup Run, a carrier race on the Parish Stairs and a children's Tour de HoryZonta at the Bay of Peace. The festival is realized with the support of the City of Trenčín, the Trenčín Self-Governing Region, the Audiovisual Fund, the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic and other partners.

Source: Erika Imrichová, HoryZonty, www.horyzonty.sk

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