On Tuesday, June 18, 2019, the regional tourism organization Trenčín region successfully presented the beauties and tourist attractions of the Trenčín region at a press conference in Prague. The Slovak Institute in Prague welcomed dozens of Czech journalists who learned more about news, popular locations and attractions from our region.
The region was presented by the executive director of KOCR Trenčín region, Eva Frývaldská , who also answered additional questions from journalists. Those sincerely concerned about the new project by installing benches with motifs regional dominants - Castles: "We were pleasantly surprised that journalists are vividly interested in our new project, ecological benches we started to plant yet in this region at Trenčín streets or nearby . We wanted to achieve exactly this interest from the public, so we are very happy that our initiative met not only with understanding, but also with praise. "
The news, together with tips for a trip in the Upper Nitra region, was presented by Andrea Malátová , Executive Director of the OOCR Upper Nitra - Bojnice: “Bojnice is and probably will always be the well-known tourist center of the Upper Nitra region. However, we would like to point out that the whole region offers a rich variety of attractions outside Bojnice, which is a shame to miss when visiting Upper Nitra. It is possible to spend a whole week with us and we guarantee that visitors will not be bored . ” The first minutes of the presentation were refreshed by a young duo from Bolešov - Bosoráci, who sang and played well-known regional hits on violins, bagpipes and accordion. Deserved applause came in the last minutes of the conference, when the musical performance was repeated.
In addition to useful tips for spending free time in the Trenčín region, journalists also had the opportunity to taste typical regional delicacies, including a welcome drink provided by a distillery company with a rich tradition OLD HEROLD, sro from Trenčín. Quality smoked, unsmoked and herb cheeses came from a farm in Udič called OVISFARMA, sro and irresistible regional meat tastings came from the workshop of the agricultural cooperative (PD) "Brezina" Pravotice.
The press conference was held with the financial support of the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic . The presentation was initiated and organized by Klára Badinková , the representative of tourism in the Slovak Republic in the Czech Republic.
In Trenčín, June 19, 2019
Author: MT
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