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The exhibition about Štefánik was born hard

The unique exhibition of General Štefánik started a year full of memories of one of the greatest personalities in our history, a native of the Trenčín region. It will be 100 years since his tragic death in May. In the entrance hall of the county office, visitors got to know the personality and life story of one of the co-founders of the 1st Czechoslovak Republic.

The exhibition was created thanks to the cooperation of the Trenčín Museum with the MR Štefánik Foundation, the State Archives in Trenčín and the Crew Club in Trenčín. "We pulled a few things from the museum's archives that had not been exhibited for many years, such as a legionnaire's uniform or legionnaire's weapons. The exhibition was born quite hard, after Štefánik we have very few things preserved, only a few personal details remain, which are located in the main state museums. Regional museums have a small number of objects related to the life of Štefánik, so I am glad that several subjects were able to unite and we managed to bring information about this important personality to the region among the people, "explained Peter Martinisko, director of the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín.

In addition to banners, coins and banknotes depicting General Štefánik were also issued. We get to know him through the life of a politician, a diplomat, a military pilot and a brigadier general of the French Armed Forces.

The jubilee year-round memoirs of General Štefánik's death will be completed at the beginning of May with a national memorial at the MR Štefánik mound in Bradle.

author: ver

photo: TSK

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