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In Kľač, they remembered the life and work of Juraj Páleš

Regional Tourism Organization The Horní Nitro - BOJNICE Region, in cooperation with the municipality of Kľačno, organized a workshop on Life and Work by Juraj Páleš on the 20th of October 2017 - personalities of national importance. The seminar was one of the 11 activities of the project "Energy of Upper Nitra - Strengthening the Potential and Promotion of Tourism and Reviving History as a Strength of the Region", which is realized by OOCR RHNB in ​​2017. Above the seminar, the Mayor of Ing. Juraj Vrábeľ.

Significant personalities and material reminders of their lives are among the main territorial values ​​in terms of both history and tourism. In Kľaène, Georgas Palesch / Juraj Páleš (1753 - 1833) was identified as the most significant person here, so a seminar was organized to remind him of his visibility. The seminar was divided into three thematic areas.

Mgr. Alena Benešová from Kľačna approached the biography of Juraj Páleš, priest, pedagogue, bernolákovka, prominent educator, director of the first teacher institution in Hungary and author of several professional works. PaedDr. Mgr. Michal Pankevič, PhD. from Spišská Nová Ves, he deciphered the pedagogical work of Juraj Páleš in the context of the development of education and education in Slovakia, especially his book Pedagogy, which was intended for students at the Teaching Institute in Spišská Kapitule, and it was the first textbook of its kind in Slovakia. The lecturer complemented his performance with the RTVS documentary film about the Teacher's Institute in Spišská Kapitule. Mgr. Renáta Kollárová , an art historian from Bojnice, described her Chapel of Our Lady, also called Pálešova, its individual architectural elements, sculpture decoration, organ, and a range of later modifications and repairs. Ing. arch. Zuzana Grunova, PhD. from the University of Žilina, the Faculty of Civil Engineering, the Department of Building Engineering and Urbanism focused on the geomorphic analysis of the Páleš Chapel in his lecture. She gave several examples of the use of oval and elliptical shapes in architecture, which resulted in the conclusion that all elements of the Páleš chapel show that the author was educated by an architect with knowledge of geometry and contemporary aesthetics. The complexity and quality of the design exceeds the chapel of the architecture of the rural environment in which it is planted.

After the lectures, the participants of the seminar had the opportunity to see the beauty of the chapel in its own eyes and feel its atmosphere. An organ concert was held there in honor of Juraj Páleš. Performed by young organist Marek Dietrich from Bojnice. It was a powerful moment of the event, because the magic music of a quality instrument combined with the destiny of canonist Páleš. At the lectures in the School in Nature, the participants went theoretically in the footsteps of Páleš, but in the chapel they literally climbed the places where Páleš went to the other 9 years of his life.

Conclusions of the seminar:

- To maintain and develop the spiritual link of Juraj Páleš on the general, regional and national scale.

- Maintain, protect the chapel in Kľaène as territorial value, the most important material monument to the life and activity of Juraj Páleš.

At the OOCR RHNB seminar he published a booklet on the life and works of Juraj Páleš in Slovak and German. The text was translated into NJ by Mgr. Waltraud Pavlíčková. The founders are PaedDr. Sylvia Maliariková and Ing. Jozef Vrábeľ.


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