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Cultural summer in Považská Bystrica

The seventh year of the Pavažskobystrica Cultural Summer is here! The town hall has once again prepared a rich program that offers concerts, theater performances, popular events and there will be several novelties as well. The ten-week marathon of entertainment opened with a summer holiday party and an evening of serious music.

The cultural summer is a project that traditionally takes place in the city of Považská Bystrica during the summer holidays and has found its place among thousands of visitors in a short time. This year's program will also be packed with attractive events. "The city of Považská Bystrica has been preparing the Cultural Summer for the seventh year. Our intention is for all age groups to enjoy themselves. We try to make the events diverse and to capture several cultural genres. As always, the events take place at the fountain near the Mier cinema always on Friday and Saturday," informed Zuzana Haladejová from the Department of Communication, Culture and International Cooperation at the City Hall.

The summer party started the holidays

The popular event that opens the cultural summer is the Summer Street Party. "It is intended especially for younger generations and is the official opening of the holidays in our city. This year, Soňa Režná from Považskobystrica performed, followed by Stefi, a singer popular among young people, and the end of the evening belonged to the popular band S hudbou vysměstnou. Saturday was marked by serious music. Due to the fact that the weather did not favor us, we moved to the Mier cinema, where the talented young accordionist Denis Marco Dubjel showed his talent. After him, the Wind Orchestra of the Basic Art School - music department was introduced. Its base is made up of current students and alumni of the ZUŠka and their performance was, as always, a great experience," Haladejová pointed out.

Happy Minor is already a tradition

The following weekend belonged to folklore. "On Friday, July 7, the Happy Minor event was held in our city, which is already a traditional meeting of representatives of several national minorities. This year, the Czech, Polish, Hungarian, Croatian, and Roma groups presented themselves, and a new performance was the performance of the German national minority. The performance of Obidský is interesting. of the zither ensemble," said Z. Haladejová, adding that the Saturday program was intended especially for families with children. "The fiddlers, two musicians who are known to children mainly from television, presented a playful and interactive way of playing various musical instruments, such as a whistle, a drum, a flujara. The evening concert was directed by the excellent band Wagabanda from Pavažskobystrica," she added.

Eco Day brought interesting topics

The event aimed at raising awareness in the field of waste separation, recycling and environmental protection has four successful years behind it. During Eco Day, people could participate in activities and lectures for children and adults, focused on ecological topics. High school girls from Považská Bystrica presented the topic of shopping and sustainability. Chef Martin Maňas explained how to process food in order to produce as little waste as possible. There were also other accompanying activities.

Saturday belonged to singing, dancing and fun. During the country evening, the bands String Boys, Alabama, Kortmanovci and Zálesáci performed.

The student festival Štuchafest also has its permanent place in the program of the cultural summer. It is scheduled for the penultimate weekend of July. "It is traditionally prepared by our young, active students. It is an event whose organization, with the support of the City of Považská Bystrica, is completely under their control and is a reflection of the interests of today's young people. This time, too, we will learn not only what pleases and fulfills them, but also about the problems that bother them," concluded Z. Haladejová, adding that, just like in previous years, Štuchafest also has a charitable undertone this time. Visitors will be able to donate a voluntary amount to a handicapped boy from the town of Považská Bystrica.

The older generation can once again look forward to "their" festival. "This year too, the extremely popular Seniorfest will not be missed. Visitors can expect a really colorful evening with several artists. Sestry Bacmaňáková, Pavol Laták and the band Trepethe will perform. The cherry on top will be Moštenský Pajtáš, whose musical program will be full of fun," added Z. Haladejová.

A weekend full of rock and magic

The end of July will belong to the rock evening, which has found its place in the program of the cultural summer. "On Friday, July 28, we are expecting a "pumped up" event with rock bands that have a strong fan base in Považská Bystrica. Visitors can look forward to Memento, Migrain or Quo Machine," said Z. Haladejová, adding that the next rock night the people of Považskobystrica will also enjoy it in August, where the bands Retromat, Zlý argument and Wings of Rock will perform.

New for this cultural summer is the Magical Day with Harry Potter. "After the screening of the film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, as part of the accompanying activities, we will enjoy an hour of potions and magic with the magician Talostan. In the evening, we will watch the film Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and maybe even fly around on broomsticks," Z. Haladejová added with a smile.

August will be opened by Ander from Košice

There will be a varied offer of events in August as well. "We have prepared a musical-singing humorous event with Ander from Košice, which will be accompanied by a great musical accompaniment by Viliam Kalman and the Balamutta Band. The new event is the Miro Žbirka Revival, during which visitors can enjoy the unforgettable hits of one of our most popular Slovak musicians," she explained. the first weekend of August Jana Muráňová from the Department of Communication, Culture and International Cooperation at the City Hall.

Concerts and open-air film screenings also found their supporters as part of the Cultural Summer. "On Friday, August 11, visitors can watch the great Czech comedy for adults Za svems hádaj ženy. Even before that, in the afternoon, children will have their own time during the screening of the film Yakari, which, however, due to daylight, can be watched in the Mier cinema. A week later, On August 18, an open-air concert awaits us, where Peter Bažík and Ivanna Bagová will "blow it up". The next day we have a stand-up event directed by the funny duo Pomajbo and Martinovič, who will be joined by Barbora Panáková as a musical guest," added J. Muráňová.

A picnic at the fountain for the palate

The popular event Picnic at the fountain is already a tradition in Považská Bystrica. The surroundings of the fountain in the central city zone will also be fragrant with various foods this year. A small food festival will be held on August 12. "We would like to preserve the originality and attractiveness of the event so that all "palatates" can enjoy it. Of course, there will be various food trucks and sales stands, there will also be an excellent accompanying program full of activities for children, several musical performances and the popular foam party." said J. Muráňová.

From the valleys of Horné Trenčiansk

On the last weekend of August, Považská Bystrica is waiting for the Z dolín Horné Trenčianska festival, which had a successful premiere last year. "This time the Trumpets from Nimnice, the excellent heligon player Lucka Haladejová from Kysúc will perform, and the program will be completed by a guest who is not only a high-quality artist and pipe maker, but also a great person, namely Jozef Pobočík the elder. Several folklore groups and ensembles from of our region. Last year we broke the record for the number of people dancing the old-world čardáš from Javorník, which was entered in the Guinness Book of Records. This year we have prepared a novelty, which is a wine festival. We invite everyone to enjoy delicious wines from Slovakia while listening to beautiful and melodious songs, but also from Moravia," said J. Muráňová.

Farewell to the holidays

The cultural summer will traditionally end with the symbolic Farewell to the Holidays, which will take place on September 1. The symbolic cherry at the end of the summer will be the musicians Robo Fapšo and Bystrík. "We publish all the information continuously on the city's Facebook page, in the city's SOM application, which citizens can download for free, and also on posters and buses of the Považská Bystrica city transport company. We cordially invite everyone to come and have fun and enjoy pleasant moments as part of the cultural summer ," added J. Muráňová at the end.

Source: Daniela Šípková, editor of the weekly Považskobystrické novinky

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