20. 08. 2018
15:30 - 18:00
Date nad time
Monday 20. August 2018
15:30 - 18:00
Birthplace of Ľ. Štúra and A. Dubček
Námestie Ľudovíta Štúra 7
956 41 Uhrovec
The municipality of Uhrovec, Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj, Trenčiansky múzeum v Trenčíne and Trenčínská univerzita A. Dubčeka v Trenčíne srdečne pozývajú na spomienkové stretnutie, ktoré sa uskutoční na 50. výročí Pražskej jari.
With this period, Alexander Dubce, a prominent personality of Slovak history and the central character of Prague Spring, is closely associated with this period. The event will take place on Monday, August 20, 2018, at 3:30 pm in his native village of Uhrovec. The program of the event includes the murder of native monument, a memorial tour, a musical performance, or an expert discussion on "Alexander Dubcek - the personality and symbol of Prague Spring 1968". You can find more information about the event on the attached poster.
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Námestie Ľudovíta Štúra 7
956 41 Uhrovec