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Bradlo 2023 time trial, Ján Nosk Memorial

The Slovak Cycling Club in cooperation with Chata Bradlo will organize a cycling race in mid-September - Časovka na Bradlo, Ján Nosk Memorial. The time trial is dedicated to Ján Nosk, a passionate cyclist, member of the Bradlo Bike cycling club, who unfortunately died in 2021 as a result of falling from his bicycle.

The first year of the individual uphill time trial will take place on September 16, 2023 . It will start from the square in Brezová pod Bradlom to the Mound of MR Štefánik . This year, the organizers are preparing a time trial for three categories , for road racers, MTB racers and e-bike MTB racers.

Facilities and refreshments for cyclists as well as visitors to the race will be created at Chata Bradlo, where an accompanying program will also be prepared.

The competition will be in three categories :

• road time trial: 4.4 km

• MTB time trial: 4.9 km

• e-bike MTB time trial: 4.9 km

An elevation of 268 meters awaits the participants on all routes.

It will start at 10:00 on Náměstí gen. MR Štefánika, in Brezová pod Bradlom, the destination is planned on the hill Bradlo (turn under Mohyla MR Štefánika). Individual performance will be measured by a professional timer. It will be started individually, in minute intervals (MTB and e-bike MTB category) and in half-minute intervals (road category) to avoid unnecessary collisions. The e-bike MTB racers will be the first to test their strength, the MTB racers will be the second, then it will be the turn of the road racers.

Each participant will take a registration package with them, and refreshments in the form of hot food and drinks will await them at the finish line.

In the afternoon (depending on the number of participants) the evaluation of all categories will take place and a rich raffle will be prepared for the participants. In addition to the main race, thanks to the members of the cycling club Bradlo Bike, you can also come and try the Slope Hike (100m), for which you will be able to register in addition to the registration for the race in the morning on the square.

The time trial is organized by the Slovak Cycling Club in cooperation with Chata Bradlo .

The main partner of the event is the PRO CYCLING brand, the organizing partner is the local cycling club Bradlo Bike and the city of Brezová pod Bradlom. The time trial was financially supported by the ZSE Foundation.

Text: Slovak Cycling Club

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