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US students visited Trenčín

The story of Omar and Fatima, as well as the Bratric Blood, are also known to students from the United States

Thanks to cooperation with City University in Trenčín, American students have the opportunity to learn about the business environment, natural, historical and cultural interests of Slovakia and the operation of regional self-government. On Tuesday 21 June 2016 students from Central Washington University visited the Trenčín Self-governing Region (TSK) in Trenčín.

A total of 26 students of information technologies and marketing, accompanied by two professors, David Douglas and Laurie Stehle , made an original presentation on the Trenčín region. "The students are here to learn about the functioning of the public administration, we will introduce them to the Trenčín self-governing region, its competence, the way in which the self-government, the chairman of TSK, the deputies and of course we will not miss the tourism, which is a very important sector for the region," explained the director of the Regional Tourism organization Trenčín region Eva Frývaldská .

American students, for example, were interested in which castle is the oldest in the region. They learned that the dominance of the regional town - Trenčiansky castle was built in the 11th century, which was also visited on Wednesday. Together with employees of the Trenčín Museum and the regional tourism organization, the Trenčín region has completed a large tour of the castle. According to the students' words, the greatest impression left them with a magnificent view of the Matus Tower.

Their further questions have focused on the region's tourist facilities and the possibilities of traveling by train. The students awaited the story of the Trenčiansky Castle about Omar's love to the beautiful Fatime, but their story about the bloody Bátorička from Čachtice Castle was caught.

Co-operation between universities has been in operation for seven years. Foreign students, apart from the capital of Slovakia, will visit the main cities of Poland, Hungary, Austria and the Czech Republic for a three-week stay in Europe. The traveler's itinerary, however, did not miss the attractive town of Trenčín.

Source TSK

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